>constantly updated after years
>many factions, maps, weapons, vechicles
>well balanced
>good community
>choose your playstyle
>just hardcore enough to filter zoomers and bad players without the autism
>people are not that bad like in other multiplayer games
>star wars mod

The most fun I had in years. Why don't you guys play squad? i love the community aspects thats missing from recent games and the setting up before the gameplay, I actually play with others who speak rather than people who mute everyone and blast music and then proceed to ruin the game. I tried Hell Let Loose but the game sucks because no one wants to work in a team.

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OK I bought a headset with a mic.
How do I into SQUAD?
Closest "sims" I've played are RO2 and RS2.

>good community
>hardcore enough without the autism
i disagree. i prefer hell let loose. it doesnt help that i dont care much for modern settings.
since hll is more casual, it depends on what squad you join as the leader may just be there so they can place spawns/no one else wanted to be leader. if you care about teamwork, just be a leader and people tend to listen to what you call over mic.

just join a squad and do what the squad leader tells you

What if the SL is a retard.

thats barely the case if you join the populated server, but there are many squads, you can leave them anytime and get a new one.

I usually play SL and its always nice to get suggestions and patience from squadmates, the SL has to focus on many things, they also have another voice channel with other SLs so its hard to listen to squadmates sometimes.

OK I'll give it a go. I also have HLL.
How does that compare?

I stopped playing around the time they did an update and gave everyone fucking wall/map hacks that they took forever to fucking fix so FOBs were being nuked instantly. Incompetent fucking devs that take forever to fucking do anything, especially the shit they promised we'd have by now

Absolute garbage battleshit gameplay entirely focused around "capturing victory points" instead of doing actual fucking fighting.

Its better overall, more tactical, its much harder to get behind enemy lines. People call your position out all the time, so you cant just camp, a bit more hardcore and team oriented, people actually work together and use coms. Resupplying, setting up bases, more vechicles etc.

more casual, less vehicles, tends to delve into throw more meat into the grinder unless youre smart enough to actually go on a long flank with your squad, can be played relatively individually though. closer spawns since you dont need to build painstaking FOBs: the squad leader just needs to place down a FREE outpost he gets every 90s.

>capturing objective

go play CoD if you want people running around killing each other in team deatmatch mode. This game is much more nuanced.

That's funny because one of the complaints the game used to have is how the game devolved into TDM/meat grinder of just throwing bodies out. No idea if they ever fixed that

Did they finally manage to catch up to Project Reality?

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you are retarded if you are talking about Squad.
Its harder to get kills, you barely see anyone hitting 10 kills in a game. There are more vechicles, helis, tanks, APC, light vechicles, Trucks. The Rally can only be placed once, if you dont resupply and it has like a 1 minute respawn time. FOBs costs a lot of ticket so you cant just spam them. Finding destroying FOB/HAB can easily win you games.

>How does that(HLL) compare (to Squad)?
you are retarded if you cant figure out which one im talking about. i even mentioned FOBs specifically, so it shouldve clued in a squad player like you.
i fully recommend hll so you dont have to deal with retards like

Squad has FOBs retard.

you realise how it compares to HLL? and you keep talking about HLL, when you should talk about SQUAD?

learn english, pal.

you should learn english, he said he has HLL and you keep talking about what you can do in HLL, you must be a monkey.

>Why don't you guys play squad?
i have no interest in milsim games

no, im not a squad player.

Yeah, casual battleshitter plebs are the main audience for this shitfest that pretends to be a milsim

And points only make it worse, since you don't even need to fight the enemy, only throw bodies to capture shit as fast as possible. No tactics, no strategy, maximum battleshittery.

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Why yes I do enjoy making squads handing it off to some mute fng and gaslighting the team into blaming the squad for everything that went wrong, how could you tell?

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How the fuck is it 2022 and milsim games still have no destructible environments?
How can a guy hide in a corrugated sheet metal shed when mortars start landing around him and both the guy and the shed are fine? How does a house survive being barraged with 155mm shells? Why are there no craters when a 500 pound bomb explodes? Why does a tiny pine tree stop a 60 ton MBT dead in its tracks and pose an immovable obstacle? Why does a wooden fence stop an IVF from rolling through a garden?

Forgotten ancient technology please understand.

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>spam HABS/FOBS around the map
This has been changed, you can't spam FOBs anymore, they cost a lot of ticket to lose

>who moves faster
This is generally true in warfare and any FPS games, if you shoot faster the enemy is dead, unless he can't aim. whats the point of this garbage remark lol


you need setup to kill a tank, to take points, to kill enemies, this point is also garbage. If you just run around like in CoD you are dead, you might get one kill but then you are spotted and they get you.

You should try to find a group for hell let loose, actual clan matches and stuff are when the game shines, and in my opinion the systems lead to more fun games compared to squad.

There are no FPS games with total descructon.

HLL is garbage, people running around like in CoD.

Maybe in pubs, even then the shooting takes actual skill unlike scope simulators cod/squad


thats what people play

Command chat is for serious business only.
Squad radio is to keep each other updated.
Local chat is for shits and giggles.

can't get into it, I come back to Arma 3 every time

>shitty unrealistic weapon handling
sorry, i'd rather go back to Ground Branch which is made by developers that actually held a firearm once in their life

Yes there are.