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You a real one

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This game was based. I got my first boner from the female bodyguards with the claws in the office level.

PS1 or N64 version?

I remember this game from some VHS that taught you how to play and about secrets. It also had FF7 and Armored Core. Anyone have any idea what the fuck I remember from my childhood?

>staying up late playing this with my best bro while his mom and aunt were arguing loud as fuck upstairs
good times

N64 version is what I played with my bro.

I only played the PS1 version, I didn't even know it had a N64 version. Is it four players? This is one of those game my friend and I would play over and over. 4 players would be amazing.


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Modern games will never have this much Soul...

fighting force was the one time i was tricked by a commercial into buying a really boring game when it looked so much fun in the commercial

Fuck off zoomer

nah gramps
fighting force sux

Fuck i autisticlt love this game


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i always picked the giga nigga. me smash.

Don't post this garbage

You sure you're not talking about FF2? The first one was fun, but sequel was meh.
Always bet on the guy in a vest. Always.

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i'm still mad

I played this with my sister, it was super fun

>race bro to the police car trunk