Fire Emblem: Three Hopes

Where is he? Is he really plotting Claude's demise with Shahid? With everyone except Hilda defecting, Claude needs him now more than ever

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Post about Lysithea getting knotted

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>tfw I want to try out the Black Eagles but I can’t because I’m heterosexual

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Based lil nibba

Then you're stuck with GD only then.

She's still too small so knots are good for now, but some day she'll graduate onto horses like Hilda and Marianne

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>Ferdinand was an Edelgard simp all along
What a twist

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Imagine the stomach bulge as the dog's knot wells up inside of her

So what are your hopes for the next mainline FE now that Three Houses 2 has been deconfirmed due to 3Hopes being a stealth sequel?

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Not a simp, just a loyal friend.

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TH2 might be deconfirmed, but hear me out... Three Houses... 3!

You don't have any good reasons left for wanting to hurt the cute girl do you?

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He used to be cool when he was one of the people along with Byleth and Hubert who kept Edelgard grounded in reality. Now he’s just another useful idiot in the war machine and is no different than Monica.

She murdered a transgender woman.

I mean she's just a generic powerhungry conquerer now, so I have even less reason to think twice about bashing her ugly head in

Cant wait to kill Dimitri again

Good for her

I can't wait for him to die off screen again.


From the previous thread:
Lorenz is one of the tankier mages in the game. His spell list is actually pretty good for an offensive mage; Fire and Sagittae will keep the mooks busy, while Ragnarok and Agneas' Arrow is reserved for the harder foes. With enough Lance rank, he also picks up Frozen Lance which is a good Lance Art and helps keep him relevant when his casts run out. His proficiencies also make him tailormade for the Dark Knight Master Class. And while Lysithea uses Thyrsus the best, Lorenz can also make full use of it's capabilities. His biggest weakness is that his growths are average, which means they can be shaky and possibly screw him over.

Yurisisters, Edelgard killed one of our own?

There's a special place in hell for you

Why's that user? Knots are good

Turning everyone around El into simps is such a waste of potential, we could've way more interesting supports if any of them were willing to actually argue with her.
Then again dictators surronding themselves with Yes-men is also completly realistic.

I'd do anything for Edelgard. Even lick her feet

We know Monica.

Ferdie disagrees with Edie plenty

black eagles is the only non gay one because it has the most women