Will inflation affect vidya?

Will inflation affect vidya?

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Eventually yes, it's inevitable.
That being said, if the costs of games had kept up with inflation since the NES days games would be $163 these days.
The only reason it hasn't is because the market is so much bigger now that you can get away with charging less, because so many people will buy that you'll still make a profit.
Competition from Indie games also helps keep prices low on the bigger budget titles

That depends on if it's blueberry or belly.

Bros I don't want Putin's price hikes to ruin vidya.

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Hasn't it already? $70 games are becoming more and more common

I know you're probably being sarcastic, but the war in Ukraine is a major contributing factor to the increase in oil prices, which is the main driving factor in the recent inflation spike

Will dilation infect vidya?

Why are the oil companies making so much money right now? Aren't they supposed to be struggling too? Why are their stocks at all time highs?

get a life moron

If only there were free existing supplies and bountiful wells available.

Based and seething tranny

So you're saying pajeets will save video games?

They are purposfully not drilling for oil right now despite having been givin the go ahead from that senile old coot.

They are trying to get the money they lost during lockdowns, back, to appease their investors.

Companies are going to take their sweet time increasing production, their making bank with all of this

>putin took the blame for moneyprinters going BRRRR during coof lockdowns

>oh no Trump gave me money the horrors
That's some amazing commie cope, m8


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Looks like our economy really dig-dug itself into a hole this time!

Dobson thread?

you are literally obsessed with transfolk, mindbroken incel loser

Just let it all collapse and start anew

What are you doing here, faggot? You're supposed to be giving every penny to your Emperor. ARE YOU A FUCKING DEMOCRAT?! DONATE RIGHT FUCKING NOW

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Lmao even

Not as much because games are sold digitally now and are less effected by gas prices