Was this expansion really that bad?

Was this expansion really that bad?

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It was the worst xiv expansion, which means it was still good.

story was lame but it had the best gameplay content and great music, that's ultimately what redeemed it

Yotsuyu and the rem girl were fucking kino

How hard was Shinryu normal on release?

story sucks because of a terrible villain as well as trying to tell 2 stories at once but it has really good combat encounters. Was also the last time jobs weren't braindead or completely homogenized (but there was still a lot of homogenization post-HW)

Terrible story but content wise it was the best expansion.

Endsinger > Shinryu > Hades > Thordan in terms of how easy it is to wipe.

You people really play video games you do not enjoy?

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Shinryu legitimately filtered multiple groups I was in early on
That might just be because I NEETed my way to endgame in under a week so no one knew wtf was going on though

It was the best expansion. Both content wise and story wise. and like said we had tank stance, cleric stance and it was in better state than today.
Probably the only thing i dislike about the expansion is the DRK, i still miss Heavensward DRK. But Stormblood made Paladin cool and made sure you could bring any tank, so there is that.

I played with almost all sprouts when I first fought Shinryu last year, and we wiped twice before we got it. I think it has about the right difficulty. They really need to buff Thordan; a person can run into every AOE during the Thordan battle and still not die as long as a healer is paying attention.

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Better than Heavensward, at least.

Bump up HW and the top chart is objectively correct. SB's story was terrible

>EW a drop from ShB

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It wasn't terrible, it was just the worst expansion. When all the other expacs were 7.5+/10, the bar is pretty high. But at least it wasn't as bad as ARR.

4.0 was whatever, but 4.1-4.5 is still the peak of XIV because good content. HW is for nostalgiababbies with one overtuned raid tier but fuck all for rest of expansion. SHB was already cutting costs before covid and they got fucked for being greedy by the move to work from home. EW has a strong start but all the job homogenization is only going to get worse and will continue to be a stain on what could've dethroned 4.X if 6.X keeps the momentum.

Hey everyone, look at the contrarian

Only by an ilm, mind you.

Yeah, I see you over there, you and your shit graph

It felt like it had the biggest budget out of all expansions, including Endwalker.