Quantumbros.. he's making fun of us

Quantumbros.. he's making fun of us..

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racist fuck made the wojak black. another reason why he should stay banned off youtube.

Quantum is what happens when you put all your stat points into redpilled and zero into based.

chadtum can just use his skin color to get pass it

i side with the guy who makes the people the most angry. is that the black guy?


even the eceleb drama is fucking boring these days

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But act man lost and is the one crying about being demonetized.

fucking this. Hes been crying nonstop about it.

>siding with the guy who cried to the other guys' mommy

Back in my day, eceleb drama involved at minimum accusations of rape.


Can someone give me a quick rundown b4 the jannies 404 the thread? I do not follow Jewtube bullshit.

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>shill man

This shit's the internet equivalent of getting shanked because you picked a fight with a crazy hobo
You can cry "injustice" but at the end of the day you don't pick fights with crazy hobos

Act man more like ACK man

>E-celeb #1 signals his zoomer army to harass e-celeb #2 for not liking Elden Ring
>E-celeb #1 gets banned from Youtube for promoting harassment
>E-celeb #1 has been constantly seething on Twitter ever since

>imagine chosing to side with the fucking nigger of all people

Any Forums being patetic cucks as usual

>eceleb makes fun of nig lolcow copywright strike abuser and ban evader
>lolcow breaks youtube's rules that youtube doesn't actually care about
>gets away with it
>eceleb throws tantrum for months on end
>lolcow shares dox of eceleb and calls his mother
>lolcow brags about calling his mother on video and uploads it
>eceleb furious that youtube just doesn't care
>lolcow copyright strikes eceleb and is successful
>youtube gets mad that eceleb is calling them out
>they make his videos 18+
>eceleb goes full retard and jokes about doxing youtube employees
>youtube demonetizes his channel indefinitely
>lolcow still being a lolcow and gets away with it
He's like a melanin enriched DSP. Unstoppable.

Who are quantum bros and who the fuck is that

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Hello Summerboy

Bad bait this is proves how bullshit people with dark skin are can get out of with situation if they have darker skin but actman got banned for little stuff isn't that kinda biased user?

Quantum hates trannies and faggots so he's based, if you hate quantum and side with the soiboy leftist you are a tranny. simple as.

eceleb gonna have to get a real job now unless he has 100s of patreon piggies

Someone just tell me which of the two is based and I'll form my opinion on that.

Quantum we understand you're not smart, because your darker skin, and this think will go on until justice is served.

it sounds like the eceleb is kind of a retard in this whole thing too.

One is a soi leftist cuck the other hates trannies and faggots and openly misgender troons on YT

The constant blacked spam never clued you in this?

Sunglasses faggot told his zoomer simps to go cry about his ban to all corners of the internet so not him.


based youtube

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>lolcows counter e-celebs
We need to sick them onto them more.

Learn how to type with basic grammar before you go around calling people dumb, Timmy

Quantum is obviously a moron but act man should have known better than to dedicate 20 minutes to making fun of a literally who nobody on YouTube. And since he's back he can say it was rayzizm...

Nignog goes does shit review of Elden ring where he clearly shows he has no idea neither intencion to learn the game.
>He didnt do the tutorial
>Cries that the NPC kills him constantly on the grace and hits only the air (Doesnt know how to lock on)
>Says the game has shit graphics and rants about accesibility
Some zoom zoom 20k subscriber calls him out
Nignog copy abuse the zoom zoom, makes new video calling him out and saying between others to "kill himself" the nignog probably has 25-30 years or some shit, also condescending as fuck for muh subs
Then the ack man enters on the game and happens

>Quantum is what happens when you put all your stat points into redpilled and zero into based.
....shut the fuck up. If your going to make a fallout reference don't make it gay.

jannies don't delete quantumnigga/ackman threads, the last one hit 760 posts

>Any Forumstard:you dont like the fucking nigger, then you are just a fan of the other guy


and? a bunch of niggers hate trannies and faggots, i am still not going to side with them

beside have you heard Quantum talk he sound like a fucking faggot as well

Fuck the 14 year old youtuber he should have killed himself

a based nigger is worth 100 lives of soi beta white males like yourself and actman

>Any Forumstard:
Are you not a Any Forumstard? Where are you from then? Could it be Act Man's channel?
Zoomzoom angwy :(

have you not read the "as usual"? i am not surprise

Eh, at the edn the zoom zoom won. He got more subs than quantum nigger desus

>Jogger didn't like Elden Ring and says mean things to his viewers
Wooooooooooooooow who gives a fuck
How empty is your life to care about this

Everyday I thank God and Jesus that I have zero interest in eceleb shit

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patreon is more consistent than youtube and youtubers with just 100k can make livable wage off of it
this isn't even to mention sponsorships
you're honestly a bit dumb if you think he's out of a job