DMC Bread

Worth? Seems like a steal for a 3 year old game. Do I get this or Deluxe?

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It's a steal on Humble Bundle

humblebundle capcom bundle has them all for $20 + dragons dogma and monster hunter world

>a steal

I already own all the games in that bundle except for SF, don't really care about that desu

yeah it's totally worth that much, deluxe version has some extra arms for Nero and I think a weapon variant for Dante but none of them are all that important or game changing. Vergil is the only DLC that's really worth a shit.

Get dmc 5 + Vergil. Are you the same dude that asked this yesterday and earlier today?

Search dmc 5 on, there's a code that gives you an extra -11%

$10 for base game + Vergil?
nigga that's literally free game

>none of them are all that important or game changing.
Cavaliere-R is better than regular Cavaliere, and Gerbera GP01 while not as good it's nice to have for its launcher/bring you back to the ground move.

saw this and grabbed it as well, just the standard edition though since the deluxe stuff seemed like just a bunch of fluff
downloaded the recommended mod on pcgw, is the turbo mode at all jank or is it how it is in 5SE on the PS5? curious about the crowd mode as well

>DMC 5 came out 3 years ago

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I really want to get this but I already own three of the games. Is there a good way to give game codes away?

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>announced 4 years ago
>leaked by Dan 7 years ago

I pirated shortly after launch, I'm still waiting for capcom to release the next gen version to buy it lol, I'm not risking buying the same game twice

i am not gonna give money to faggots in lgbbq

Nigger it's been two years, they won't

They will surely give the new version away for free like Metro did

You are literally taking money from them by getting it cheaper there

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Did you at least mod it?

>DmC came out 9 years ago and announced 12
>DMC4 is literally a teenager now