Is this the most influential game of all time?

Is this the most influential game of all time?

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Terrible game only liked because of its novelty

I think GTA3 just edges it out.

But enough about trash of us

>Conker's Bad Fur Day did Resident Evil 4's gameplay 5 years earlier just for one level out of many

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that would be Ico, considering how many famous game developers list it as their favorite game
Druckmann, Kojima, Miyazaki, the list goes on. in fact Miyazaki has gone on record to say he would've never got into game development were it not for Ico, and his influence on vidya has been massive on its own

Rent free

Conker could have been the best game ever made, but fuck me if the pacing isn't dogshit.

RE4 was a big deal to this industry its impact is still being felt

Don't be a contrarian tranny faggot if you can't handle the banter, back to your cope threads

For modern games maybe

But in general, Tetris, Joust, and Zelda 1 are more influential

in the modern sense i would say so. comparing re4 to other games in that era is really mindblowing and you can see why everyone wanted to copy it. felt like you were playing as the star of a blockbuster action movie and it had the addicting gameplay to boot. it's one of the few games i consider close to perfect.

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btw before anyone talks shit about Joust
first platformer with full aerial control
directly influenced Mario Bros. and Balloon Fight
No Joust objectively means no Super Mario Bros.
Pac-Land is also a factor

Dungeons and Dragons is the most influential game of all time.

lol no

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I'm contrarian because I don't like something you do. I am also contrarian because I like something you don't

You can jerk off to RE4 as much as you want. It's not even Top 3 RE and much less as influential as Mario and Zelda. Final Fantasy, Street Fighter, Metroid, Castlevania.
List goes on, basically.


cod 4 walked so mw2 could run

thanks for sharing your garbage opinion mr. pile of shit
now back to the thread