What are you thoughts over this?

Since no one made a thread about this I'm curious about it

Attached: Little-Nemo-and-the-Guardians-of-Slumberland_2022_06-09-22_014.png (3840x2160, 3.16M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>a fucking sequel to the NES game
Wait what


Looks like it was made by a genuine pedophile

Looks cute, or at least it did until I saw the abomination in the background. Fucking hell.

looks like shit

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Winsor McCay is rolling in his grave.

Looks like UwU trash made by twitter/tumblr users. The blue hair was a palette limitation, Nemo should have black hair. Where is my Windsor McCay artstyle? Where is my fin de siecle costumes? Why does Flip look like he dilates now, isntead of wearing his suit and tophat now? This is regression, not progress.

Attached: Little_Nemo_1913-03-24.jpg (1776x2392, 696.48K)

Is it really a sequel to it? Because the NES game was based on the movie based on the comic.

The worst part about is how the character in the source material looked like pic related. I hate when indie devs do shit like this

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this needs a (You) edit.


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Is Little Nemo in the public domain or do you need to get licensing?

it is public domain.

>What are you thoughts over this?
I like Star Hearts: Launch Point by Arcap Creative - Kickstarter better

Attached: STAR HEARTS-LAUNCH POINT.png (2500x1267, 1.63M)

I love pedophile games

Well, you wouldn't be wrong. You can see the groomer flag at 1m13s in the video

i need a tom petty mod for this

The visuals really don't match at all, but it seems kind of cool I guess.
That trailer seems like there's passion to it, which is a good sign.

The first two tags on the steam page will be "wild" and "silly".

What in the fuck did they do to Flip

Attached: Oh Gno.png (753x851, 610.71K)

where's Bon Bon?

sild? I don't get it.


sex with cute shota boy

Attached: cuteboy.jpg (889x1254, 97.95K)

But what does a whale have to do with this game?

tranny pedo game

looks fine
I don't know that much about the original
the IP is public domain so I'm not going to throw a fit over characters looking different
but I want to play as the other kigurumi kids
frog and penguin look cute

don't give the fujos any ideas.