Which was the more important and influential game?

Which was the more important and influential game?

Attached: Doom-vs-Quake.jpg (2000x1000, 304.9K)

>no metaquake

user what the fuck are you talking about

Doom. But only because Quake is an extension of Doom. In Doom they were already playing around with the ideas of verticality, platforms, pits, level hazards, sectors/switchs, etc. If it was Wolfenstein vs Quake, I would go with Quake. But Doom vs Quake, I'll go with Doom. Not that Quake wasn't groundbreaking, but it's very much built on Doom's foundation.

Quake easily. Birth of speedrunning and competitive esports. Engine was used and edited for countless games including the legendary source engine

Dooms influence was what? The double barrel shotgun?

Quake, it spawned Quake2 engine, goldsrc and idtech3, some games still use a highly modified idtech3 engine. Doom spawned quake and Duke nukem 3d, still think quake wins in the end for spawning things like halflife and CoD. Always heard doom-likes was a more popular term than first person shooter in the 90s

>no hideous destructor for quake

Doom. Even though Quake led to more, Doom got everyone on board for FPS games.

>Dooms influence was what? The double barrel shotgun?
>verticality in FPS
>projectile weapons
>lighting that wasn't fullbright
>automap (which quake didn't have)
And don't act like Quake invented speedrunning when Doom already had demos and par times.

Does Quake have a huge modding community like Doom these days?

Also forgot going from 90 degree grid-aligned walls in Wolfenstein to linedefs that can be put anywhere in Doom

Dude. Yes. The quake mod scene is mind-blowing.

There's map packs and mods basically every few weeks.

I would say Doom. But people tend to forget that Quake sent the foundations for modern online gaming, and Esports (there's a reason why the Quakecon exists).

Doom popularized the FPS genre, and arguably, the first person perspective.

Both games have a huge influence, and the modding community from Quake would have set in stone the mechanics for many modern games as well.

>verticality in FPS
Not a real influence, the reason "verticality" didn't exist in fps games was because there was no 3d engine for it. Otherwise I can just say "real 3d" and "real mouseaim for quake which is far more important.
Both already existed in other games such as gun buster, hell even MMOs already existed.
>projectile weapons
Maybe, I'm pretty sure it was already done in a bunch of games but I can't remember which.
lol, then quake wins even harder since that was its entire shtick
what? Literally mario brothers already had them.
Again pretty sure a dungeon crawler already had one, but I can't remember.

Pretty terrible list, most are wrong and even if some of them were right they were far less of a real influence than the creation of speedrunning and competitive esports, since those are relient on technology limits. Also Doom had demos, but no one was competing in speedrunning like they did in Quake. Quake was born for speedrunning because of its movement tech, which is why Half Life also had a big scene, it has the same physics jank due to being build on top of the quake engine.

There's very few anons on Any Forums that know anything about Quake so these threads are always shit.

Attached: 1637990127906.webm (1282x640, 2.92M)

>those are reliant on technology limits.
This is not in regards to speedrunning and competitve esports, obviously - my sentence structure is just wierd. Also linking because I forgot to in my last post.

Doom, Quake is only known for its engine

Quake. Because it was first realy 3D engine for FPS. Unreal came later and become leader but Quake was first. Doom created perfect template for FPS. But devs can't even replicate its rules anymore.

This isn't even Quake it's fucking Warsow.

Doom. Quake has a huge following and a very vocal fanbase, but Doom is simply renown.

>Doom created perfect template for FPS
>collect cards

Fuck off. Half-Life created the perfect template for FPS. Based on a modified Quake engine.

Doom singlehandedly made FPS games popular, it is indisputably the more influential one, regardless of its quality compared to Quake.
Quake is very close though, having spearheaded the speedrunning scene

nice shit artstyle , who even plays that shit

The fact that there's quake DNA in many 3D engines to this day makes it highly influential, almost like a vidya Genghis Khan. Though, since Quake is a natural evolution from doom, I'd say Doom is still KING and the most influential

Quake was the base engine for a lot of games but Doom was fucking huge for PC gaming overall at the time. I would say Doom built the PC gaming market to a great extent, and without it Quake and much of the other games wouldn't have come into existence.

Grew up on both these games, unlike I bet most newfags here

most people here wasn't even born by the time quake4 was released