They have a point you know

They have a point you know

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Oh this shit again? They already tried that in the 90s and no one gave a shit then.

june 16????

Are you from the future?

this is my time bros. they're gonna give me my bar back this time for sure...

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He has a point you know.

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FOX news is based you libtard tranny

>video games everywhere in the world
>violence in America
>must be video games causing it

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Luv games
Luv guns
'ate totalitarian shits on both sides trying to take either away from me
Simple as.

Why don't the feds give up their guns in solidarity to set an example

It's been happening since the 90s

star fox makes me want to fuck animals

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So if the yankees actually managed to get guns off of kids hands would they then start using shit like samurai swords and bathtub semtex?

>June 16
Nani?, are you from the future?

It's too late, video games are too big. They aren't small enough for them to do much like they could've decades ago. The stigma about only nerds and outcasts playing them is entirely gone, except for completely out of touch seniors who are about to croak. It's their scapegoat because it doesn't make sense. Nothing can happen, even if they blame it one hundred times. It's not like Call of Duty or GTA is going to remove violence. This is merely so they don't have to put any focus on shitty mental health or gun control. This is all obvious to people with a pulse btw im just recapping

They would propably turn to knives or acid until it is a clown convention like the UK.

>too late
According to that image we still have one week.

Violent media does make people violent, all of the studies that say otherwise are all funded by the game industry. The ESA spends almost as much as the farm industry

It's true, i'm sure video games trigger some part in retards brain that makes them go on a rampage, commit violence and shoot
So they definitely play a part in it, to dismiss this claim because we have no "scientific" proof is absolutely retarded, people can be brainwashed, people can be influenced by plenty of things, video games can do that too

Pretty sure it's some kinda timezone thing OP might be in Hawaii or something


based and leave-me-the-fuck-alone-pilled

You'd see a huge uptick in things like vehicular homicide, arson, explosives, and poison gas. Which can be even deadlier, cheaper, and easier to do. At that point the only way to mitigate the violence would be to completely rebuild every building in the country and lock everyone inside of their homes. Guns are just an easy way to wage war against an enemy that also has guns, but it's certainly not the easiest way to kill innocent people.

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As yes, blame everyone except for the NRA and gun manufacturers for the massive gun murder rate.

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Why didn't we listen?



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The only people disagreeing with this are loser nerdy gamers, the fact that these retards don't think video games, movies can influence certain influences already predisposed to committing violence is incredibly retarded
But that's what happens when you've been sheltered your whole life and video games is all you have so you have to defend them with your life

>little incel racist bureaucrats trying to take guns of Innocent Black and latinx families so they can more easily take advantage of them
pathetic little virgins we can see right through you

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Joke's on him; I only watch porn offline.


Both the Left and the Right hate video games, and both scapegoat them.

But I don't see the Right trying to put 50 homos-per-level and other gay, disgusting, filthy AIDS-spreader shit into my video games, unlike the Left for the past 15 years.

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Because he was a grifting chucklefuck who deserves all the hate he gets.

The ammonium nitrate concentrations in industrial fertilizer are small and would be difficult to remove cheaply. Raw ammonium nitrate is heavily regulated. Both normal fertilizer and ammonium nitrate are monitored for sales and any abnormal rates of purchase are investigated. Many would be bombers were caught this way.

The only thing that i respect about Americans are their gun laws. If they take this from you then i will have to ignore every American from now on.

It's not that I disagree with him, I just don't understand how it's a specifically "left wing" attack on manhood for the generation of NEET, unfit, dopamine addicted males we've created. It's the capitalistic system that's created this, not leftists, and the right has supported big corporations just as much as the left, if not more so

Cunnybros, rise up!

Please don't, user.

I will do it

maybe josh should stop doing those things so he can make this country better then

Bizarre in the fact that he's projecting that hard with no real evidence. What actually happens is that we play videogames, talk about videogames, and research videogames in our free time.

>Same retards that think Any Forums can make people shoot black people in grocery stores

I mean there's already three confirmed Any Forums related shooters

The government lets major media orgs know about mass shootings in advance so they have their articles ready.

post your bank account, house, face, body and wife

They'd probably just start driving vehicles into crowds because at the end of the day, the real issue is how mentally ill americans are

The big, highly publicized shootings would vanish because the feds don't want/need anything else banned. Gangs would continue using the same illegal handguns they're already using. Probably see an uptick in stabbings and bludgeonings from the riffraff.
Other than what's on the TV almost nothing would meaningfully change.

>videogames make you sexist and racist
>videogames don't make you violent

>make this country better
>when your primary objective is appeasing a narcissistic conman so you can win his endorsement for the sake of your "career"
politics is fucked
donald trump didn't cause it but he sure as hell underlined everything that's wrong with it

>it's yet another amerishart politics and demoralization thread (not vidya) that will get 300 replies and stay up for two hours
Any Forums used to be fun, I'm so tired of refreshing the catalog and seeing this garbage.


I for one would be happy if vidya was banned, there's no good games coming anymore, so we might as well kill it before it gets worse.

republicans shifting the blame as usual

You aren't supposed to point that out

Sorry you've been replaced

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t. oklahoma city employee

>Left wing
Most gamers and coomers identify as righties though

These threads are what make Any Forums fun, faggot. Go to Rebbit if you want to "discuss" vidya.
Free speech, tranny

We ban leftist shit from media and feminine male cucks and then we get good games. Simple as.


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...did she forget to put on her shirt or something?

Coomers are left wing. You can't be degenerate and be right wing, that's not how it works.

Government has killed more people throughout history than any mass shooter. It's got to be above 500 million now. It's time that we ban government.

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Only on 4kun

Nobody cares though

You’re ill.

>getting groomed online by right-wingers makes you sexist and racist

Why can't degenerates support capitalism, guns, and minimal government regulation?

bruhs, I was playing My Time in Portia and now I want to build a garden IRL! Have I been indoctrinated?!

...mommies flapjacks

>These threads are what make Any Forums fun
No it fucking doesn't. Go back nigger, this isn't video games. There's a board to discuss your troon, demoralization and gun politics made specifically for you FUCK OFF

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>don't blame my heckin violent videogames, they would never cause violance
>but pixelated woman in short skirts with large chests DO cause misogynists and rapists!
its so tiring

Time to take your political mental illness else ware

We right wingers already figured out the solution for school and mass shootings: it's giving the teachers guns or have every civilian have a gun on them.
That way they can shoot the criminal before he can shoot anyone

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Josh Hawley is a new Republican, the neo-cons are the ones who support corporations and want to make sure you own nothing. He is probably including neo-cons in "the left" which is pretty fair.

Fuck psyop glowies.

This entire site is Any Forums. If you don't like politics why did you even come here?

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>Violent video games leads to violence IRL
Leftoids: FALSE
>Sexualized video game characters leads to sexual violence IRL
Leftoids: TRUE

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They don't. If violent videogames are what causes mass shooting then we'd have thousands if not millions of them every year instead of a handful of them.

what time zone is 6 days ahead?

>Why can't degenerates support capitalism
Probably because that's the most normalfag thing someone can do

Video games are very violent. I play Atari Karts and Tempest 2000 and suddenly feel like ripping out fetuses from pregnant mothers.

just tucker, the rest is neo-lib trash

sounds like he's mad that cee pee is illegal

It is about video games, but everyone knows the meta is pol, which is why these threads are annoying. I don't mind knowing about these things because I don't want to be caught by surprise
>Game banned
>Suddenly a criminal, etc
But I agree.

That's not how timezone work

Right wing values are inherently good for society as a whole and therefore by definition cannot be degenerate.
Left wing "progressive" values want to destroy tradition and common sense, by definition they are degenerate.
If you are a degenerate, you are left wing. It is logically impossible to be a right wing degenerate.

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Your post is psyop job. Fuck you glowie/. In 90's there was no such a thing.