I sure do love playing The Binding of Is-ACK

I sure do love playing The Binding of Is-ACK

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it's funny cause isaac's dad hanged himself


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Did he really? I thought it's Isaac who did that.

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no, isaac suffocated in the toy chest
also during the section wnere you go backwards up through the levels, there's lines of dialogue between isaac's parents saying how he was addicted to gambling and lost all of the family's savings
there's also the greed arg which involved isaac's dad, the old bearded ultra greed design, why the shop keepers are always with ropes around the neck, hanging and such, and the greed mode ending where isaac becomes the keeper, and "dad's note" which I'm pretty fucking sure it's a suicide note
it's implied isaac fears becoming like his dad

oh and also the bum-bo game and isaac's iconic dice, mom saying he's "just like his dad" and the gisnt elephant of the room, the ending after the beast has isaac and dad talking, you might say he's hallucinationg, but I think it's actually both reuniting in the afterlife due to both being dead

also, the flash to white after picking dad's mote is the same that happens when Isaac enters the chest in the flash game, again another connection to suicide
and of course, the trascendence item isaac finds on one of the chest endins, is a noose he immediately hangs himself with

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>have follower that auto fires at enemies
>walk into room
>4 boomflies touching your nose

adding to this, according to edmund, greed was isaac's biggest sin, and is also the most prevalent enemy in the entire game

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how the fuvk do you even make this
a 3d model? shaders?

literally me

Basement is Mom's story
Greed/ier is Dad's story

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i always thought greed had such a big presence in isaac because that was his dad's biggest sin which led up to their family tearing apart
bearded ultra greed was just supposed to be tyrone's equivalent of ultra pride being edmund which got axed for some reason or another

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siren is CUTE

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I like the theory that the dad is supposed to represent greed and noosed himself to death but the story implies he packed his bags and left home forever, how would Eyesack know dad hanged himself?

dad's (suicide) note
which is what also leads to isuck to suicide by chest

But during the final ascent audio you hear the dad slamming a door, sounds like a car door, and talks about leaving. Doesn't sound like preparation to step into a noose.

He could have driven to a motel and hanged himself there

How does Isaac know about it?

I mean for a child his dad fucking off forever is basically him being dead, he's never going to see him again.

I spent it, it's gone - just get over it!

>"dad's note" which I'm pretty fucking sure it's a suicide note
isn't that the voiceover at the end of Legend of Bumbo?