Star Wars

Why is Disney remaking and going to ruin Knights of the Old Republic instead of just making a spiritual successor set in their High Republic era? It would help shill their High Republic book line, and since it is set centuries after Kotor they could have also sold it as a kind of sequel to those games by mentioning things that happened in them. Is the remake just a cash grab?

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karpyshit already did that with the release of his brilliant tor books.

Who cares. Real swords will always be better than a light saber onlyist fantasy. The reason why is because they are all lightweights. Japan blew through the deception with From’s Dark Souls 3. Christians always knew this, but we were told to give our enemy everything until God makes it so that there is no choice but to believe in Him. The unleashing of Covid and stuff is as a result of God’s Hand of protection/holding wrath back being removed. Like I told that furry in the “u give me more fps rpgs naow!” Thread, I’d rather play chaos chosen from warhammer online or Agony The Dark Portal 2 from Newgrounds and kill golden furry schizo rodents and dragons in my chaos armor like lich king Arthas.
A dragon rat like Goku is still a rat. Like Lucifer transformed as an Angel of light.

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>people still beg for Starwars scraps in 2022.

Those are the gayest, most generic looking Jedi ever.

It's very bizarre.
>but it will be shit and you know it will be shit
If Disney cared about the franchise, they'd let it sit dormant for 5 years or so and let it's reputation heal. But they don't care, of course.


Disney are scared of making any sith vs jedi games cause people would shit on their original characters, so they steal established works instead. All the new ocs have to be special snowflake jedi or dark jedi but not sith.

meds, stat

George Lucas should've sold to WB...

Mandalorian has been doing plenty to get popular trust back in the franchise. Ever since they gave Dave Filoni more control, things have been heading in the right direction.

WB made Matrix 4 though.

>High Republic Era: 2 centuries before The Phantom Menace
>Old Republic Era: thousands of years before The Phantom Menace

No. Earth Vader is one of the greatest characters ever written in Star Wars and there hasn’t been a better one ever written still. Sucks to be you.

Also sucks that the original actor passed away recently. Oh well.
The prequels originated Darth Vader wrong though, they should have shown that all the remaining Jedi were gay as fuck and that Anakin didn’t want to be around them anymore because it was turning him gay as well.

WB is enough of a shitshow already. Adding Kathleen Kenedy to that mix would have been the death of them.

>it was turning him gay as well
In the Bible, this is referred to as “seeing death”. A Nazarite must get a hair cut once he sees death. And therefore stop being a faggot.

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Holy shit what is going on with the schizoid posts ITT

Welcome to the Star Wars fanbase.

Hey I read his mass effect books and they were pretty good

WB has no idea what they are doing. If they got it, it would be gathering dust on a shelf. Maybe we would have an episode 7 in 2025

>Ever since they gave the guy who ruined the entire clone wars era and the most popular EU character of the half century more control, things have been heading in the right direction
The absolute state of star wars where this genuinely is the case

The High Republic is terrible and a complete failure, nobody has read that shit. They've basically already given up on it.

They were counting on blue hair librarians to shove it into kids faces.

>Why is Disney remaking and going to ruin Knights of the Old Republic
A remake doesn't retroactively ruin the original game. Don't play it and then seek help for you illness.

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And then they instantly shat the bed with Obi-Wan.