How young is too young

how young is too young

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too young... for what?

That ain't young enough. I want lil kids playing vidya at age 3.

is vr actually a real thing?

not this shit again lmao

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If their age is on the clock they're ready for VR.

no its not fun dont even think about buying one

Should children that young wear VR headsets? Woudln't the weight fuck their necks up?

I mean... you mean...?

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Way too young. Shit that close will probably damage developing eyes.

not only will it scar her, it will also make her a 4 eyed freak for life.
t. 4 eyed freak that played game boy and playstation at that age.

This is child abuse.


Playing resident evil at that age is fine but vr headsets are a no go. Will probably cause eye damage in a kid that young.

VR is a stupid meme and not worth it.

I’m calling the FBI right now

She will be scared and cuddle up to you at night

redpill me on parents giving 0 shits about their children

The magnifying lenses used in VR headsets damages eye development


A kid that young should not be playing RE7 what is wrong with you OP?

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The reason they VR sets have recommend ages isn't anything to do with it being bad for kids, it's just because kids heads are small and their eyes are closer together. They can't focus properly on the dual screens

Its more gonna fuck with the eyes development.

Back in the good old days where mentally ill people weren't coddled and glorified, parents took their little kids to the local negro lynching. We need to stop trying to hiding reality from children, it only serves to further the stranglehold around society that the government has.

quick someone post pics