Why do they get a free pass on exclusive games...

Why do they get a free pass on exclusive games? Once something is only on Epic or whatever everybody is up in arms but Steam has TONS of exclusive games and nobody seems to mind.

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Steam's exclusive games are either indie shovelware garbage or games made by Valve themselves


nice try timmy you little fucking worm

We’re PChads, we can just pirate whatever the fuck we want.

steam is well designed and operated - epig games is not

That's simply bullshit. All the big Capcom games for example are only available through Steam.

I've never seen a Steam exclusive outside of Valve's own games, wtf are you smoking? If it's steam only it's because the retard publisher made it that way, steam doesn't pay for exclusivity.

How long until this EGS shilling fucks off?

if someone chooses to put their game exclusively on steam is by their own choice, Valve didn't bribe them to prevent them from putting it anywhere else.

Difference being Valve never paid a single individual for their games to stay Steam exclusives.

But they aren't exclusive though. If GoG jumps to 50% market share tommorow I'm sure Crapcunt would hurry and put their games on it, it's not like it's a big hurdle uploading their stuff on a new platform.

Steamtrannies are mentally ill. Literally nintendronoid tier.
>muh gayben

>inb4 epic shill
That shit sucks, too. Fuck all DRM launchers.

Because I already have steam installed. I don't want another. Steam did it first so they win, simple as. Early bird gets the worm.

Thread's over. OP can go back to inhaling dick.

Steam doesn't buy exclusivity to keep games hostage. Devs are free to sell their game anywhere if they sell on Steam, EPIC included.

For you paypig maybe

Because for digital distribution people only want one storefront, you toad. "Buh buh but muh competition, muh CAPITALISM" means nothing when all the competitors do not try and are twenty years too late to be hopping on the same train and deciding they want a slice of the pie.

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>go into different shops
>go into the first and they give you a place you can chat with friends, a place where others have made things you can add what you want to buy, for free. They give you the ability to leave opinions on the products, watch other people use the products to see if you like and have community events with discounts
>go into this brand new shop funded by a successful name who have billions, they don't even give you a basket for what you want to buy

Steam don't pay companies to keep games exclusive.

Valve tried with Autochess.

Because Steam rocks and epic sucks.

there is no money paid for exclusivity, publishers choosing to release on steam only of their own accord is not exclusivity

stay on your blockchain easy to hack shithole loser

>they also ban you from shopping there again if you buy too many items

What's up with this revival of EGS shill threads? I thoughts you all fled out of shame after Timmy embarrassed himself and his entire company in court.

It's just one schizo.

Steam exclusives are either Valve made or just chose to be this way by the publisher without any external "financial aid" provided by Valve.

Could you point me to some games that valve paid the devs not to release on other platforms?

this, it's not forced just natural. Besides, steam games are sold on like 50 different stores so there's competition to drive down prices

Fortnite on steam coming soon.

You don't need a launcher or a shitty store. We live in the internet age where you can just sell me your game directly and cut out all the bullshit.

It seems to happen when a sale goes on. Kinda funny that, at least on Any Forums, we have more people talking about the Steam Next Fest demos more than Epic's sales.

steam is legitimately more convenient than a file being unzipped into a folder

I'm fine with it. They also sort out a lot of issues with compatability of old games and development with linux ushackling me from windows. My comment was more directed to all the other shitfest stores that only care about money and will leave you hanging as soon as you hand over the cash.

How so?