Needing an opinion

So I know are going to dismiss this by saying "decide for yourself" but I'm in a position as a newcomer so I'd like to have some input.

I never played Call of Duty beyond the first game— at the time I was still super into No One Lives Forever and later I later went to Unreal Tournament 2004 and loved the fast paced gameplay. From there, I went to TF2, and after getting burned out/frustrated with the constant deluge of items, I went to Bad Company 2 and played that until it died.

So I've never had a multiplayer game really keep my attention ever since, and I never bothered going into CoD because I was into Bad Company 2 so much. I did about 75 hours of Halo Infinite and it's fun I guess but it lacks that sharpness and speed that Unreal Tournament had. I also never got into Siege because I always thought that it was too late for me to get into it. I'd just get steamrolled by people who have been playing for years. I also gave zero fucks about every Battlefield game after BC2 because they felt like shit and died anyway. 2042 was a joke.

So Any Forums, I'm a complete newcomer to all this blueprint/battle pass bullshit that CoD pushes around, and I have zero clue how any of their stuff works. I'm sure the campaign is fun and all, but for the multiplayer... how is it? I know it's popular but is it snappy and good feeling? Is it something that can scratch that itch that I had for the early days of TF2, BC2, NOLF, and UT2k4?

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give it a shot.

OP here, jesus christ I'm sorry for all the typos. I didn't proofread my post for shit.

For sure, but should I do the fancy Vault thing or just the base game? Again, I don't understand all the blueprint/vault/battle pass stuff, so is that just to unlock weapons and attachments? Is it pay to win, or cosmetic?

too long didnt read

Wait for previews, FORM YOUR opinion and ONLY then Buy if you want to play MP

How fucking hard can it be to...
>2042 was a joke.
Ah so you're retarded, imagine preordering games lmao

Retard. RETARD R E T A R D

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there will be an open beta in the next few weeks/ months.
try the game out then :)

Oh nice! That solves that then.

I've been playing CoD games since like 2005. This new one looks very generic Call of Duty Modern Warfare Mountain Dew Gamer Fuel™, which is the best thing that can happen. All they have to do is stick to the formula they figured out 15 years ago and it'll be a money printer.
You run around, shoot people, capture flags if you're into that sort of thing, unlock guns and attachments for guns. It has an appeal, good for after work or a couple hours with friends on the weekends.
>if they don't fuck it up royally, which is never a guarantee.

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That would be fun, having a game I could easily pick up for a bit and put down for a while.

Your actually coming it at what I hope is another really good entry, 2019 was pretty tight and snappy gunplay wise but it lacked ay really good maps save for the throwback ones from COD4. I'm hoping MWII remedies this by adding more MW2009 maps as well as more COD4 maps. Also there won't be another CoD next year so this one may get alot more content overall compared to previous entries.

he's trolling you, you have to pre order to get the ""open"" beta

Welp. That sucks.

That's what I was hoping too. I figured since this was one of the most popular titles they're throwing all of their resources into polish and refinement as well as adding favored content. So it should theoretically be good...?

It's the perfect casual franchise. You can pick it up and drop it whenever or grind out challenges for days on end, depending on how motivated you are. I should also note I didn't play any Call of Duty game since 2014, but I bought MW2019 at the suggestion of a friend and was pleasantly surprised at how fun it was. Cold War was alright for what it was as well. Like I said, these games are so formulaic at this point that the only thing that can fuck them up is the developers intentionally fucking up.

buy mw19 or cold war from a key site and have a bath
mw19 is sharp and real operator hours while cold war is more arcade and fun

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people are skeptical because the reveal trailer wasn't that great and 2019 had an inconsistent pace to it.
>Is it something that can scratch that itch that I had for the early days of TF2, BC2, NOLF, and UT2k4
maybe, but you'll face different problems, matchmaking makes every game a sweat-fest that forces you to keep up with the meta to shit on other players. for me, no cod game is worth playing after its initial year. mostly because the devs drop support and leave the balance in a shitty state, a lot of people mentioned that there's no new game in 2024 but nothing has been confirmed yet.

didn't people hate cold war for using the same old mechanics instead of matching up with 2019 gameplay?

Ok boomer just play the fucking game you're debating about it as if you're buying a house or a car.
You should be able to afford a video game, when you're this old, right?

>but is it snappy and good feeling?
MW2019 was the most snappy and good feeling the franchise has been for like +10 years. MWII is going to be a sequel to MW2019, so it will most likely play just like it.

he's not fully wrong, the early days of the beta is limited to pre orders and playstation players, the final days are open to everyone.

I'm not a boomer, and the only other game I've purchased this year was Elden Ring. I'm not made of money.

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It's to try to prevent cheaters. You need a non-pre-paid number linked to your account, which eliminates a ton of third world country cheaters. There's other games that has this too, like CS:GO and R6 Siege for example.

People pretty much hate anything they're given at this point. We're at the end stage of a civilization where everyone is a delusional, spoiled brat.