Will she ever get her own spin-off game?

Will she ever get her own spin-off game?

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Made for BBC

Crash bandicoot is a zombie franchise

No and that's a good thing

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Sex with Coco's Feet

Attached: 1611736369050.png (150x89, 32.19K)

tf does that mean?

>spinoff game
>cant even get a port of the racing game to pc
>cant even get a solid main game made by a competent dev team

Attached: crash look at this FAGGOT.gif (275x400, 33.68K)

holy based

is this the thread?


Coco's Cocos

Yeah, Imagine thinking spin-offs would work without Crash himself

Attached: 1578279878679.png (503x494, 142.46K)

A spinoff without Crash would just.... CRASH!! haha lol

Just wait until Microsoft finishes buying Activision, they will put all on Steam.

>trust the plan
nah i'm good leaving cope behind, crash is as dead as rayman and soon sonic. Better that way.

Attached: LETS FUCKING GO YEAH RAYMAN.jpg (1500x1500, 201.44K)

beep boop

Why isn't Nitro Fueled on PC but Crash 4 is?

>Niggers posting BLACKED and ZOOPHILE shit in embeds

Crash is a man, you already saw how they made him an idiot in 4’s cutscenes, if we get a Coco spinoff it will unironically be because of feminism.

>Posting zoo shit
Abandon thread

it was already posted on the OP

Stop horsing around.

She's not a human though.

trying one last time, my embeds don't work for some reason even after switching hosts
I have been saying that even if it's not for me it's good what you're doing

based bestality fag derailing the blacked thread

You're supposed to wait for the confirmation that it completed the job, stupid

what compels a man to post embedded cuckshit on a chink anime forum?

I did you nincompoop
It worked yesterday and then the update came and it broke

>Best outfit
>Locked behind preorder bonus
It's not fair, bros

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