Finally finished the complete Mother series

Finally finished the complete Mother series.
Now I can confidently say 1>3>2.

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What's so special about 1?


>1 that high

For me, 3>2>1. But all three are very, very good.

For me it's 1>2>3

It's pure

nostalgia bias. I played it first. Mother 2 just felt like the same thing but less heart.

The story is way more cohesive than the other two. The world is far more challenging. You don't have a mess of abilities like the other two, Ninten has all the defensive ones and Anna has all the offensive ones.

I got stuck in 1 ten years ago. Should I restart?

If you're one of those people who thinks games "age" then no. Otherwise it's a solid yes.

its also never wacky for the sake of being wacky

"age" in a good way or a bad way?

he basically means, it's lacking a lot of quality of life stuff
for example the menuing can be clunky in the way Dragon Warrior 1 was
if that's a dealbreaker for you, well there you have it
if not, it's a great game

That's the proper rating, good taste. Not that 2 is bad by any means, it's just 1 is really that special of a game.

more openended and freeform. you can beat the game with just ninten and lloid. i really appreciate that.

I mean, games don't age, so it's impossible that "in a bad way", but the game has random encounters and no handholding, so zoomers get triggered fast.

I really need to poop right now and I'm just squeezing the turd back and forth, in and out of my asshole. A little bit of pee trickles out every time my poop comes out, then I squeeze it back in.

Yeah it's fine maybe I'll even take notes this time in case I get stuck again

I've played worse games so that's probably fine

Very comprehensive. Thank you

This. 2 is great, but the other 2 have way more emotional narratives.

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You are welcome. I still haven't pooped

Nothing, it's ass. Hipsters are starting to say it's their favorite to be special though.

imagine being porky, trapped for millions of year in a capsule not able to kill yourself, kinda lile SOMA game

Nothing, just Any Forums making stupid hot takes as always.
2>3>>> or 3>2>>>>>> are the only correct answer


I played the NES version, it’s fine, but it’s a straight downgrade from 2 in basically every way. 2 essentially reboots the story and feels like the game they wanted 1 to be.

1 has some insane encounter rates, so you spend a huge amount of time fighting annoying random battles just getting anywhere. There’s some really dumb moments like getting stunlocked to death if you dared fight one specific enemy type without spending a limited inventory slot on your inhaler, and it’s really grindy- there’s many parts where the game just expects you to stop and grind for a while before you can keep playing.

The funny thing about the last part is that you’ll need to grind a bit to get through the final section, but anything beyond that is completely wasted. Your stats don’t matter at all against the final boss (so long as you can last through 2 attacks while blocking) so if you spent any time grinding before getting to the last section and fighting Gigye it’s entirely wasted.

Good game for it’s time, but 3 > 2 > 1.

Filtered zoomies malding

I wouldn't say it's the best but I get why people do claim it to be. It manages to convey so much with very little, the overall theme (while still being fairly whimsical like the other 2) is a bit more mysterious and dark, which makes the setting more compelling and also makes the touching moments even more impactful.

tldr soul


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