Best armor in the game is also undoubtably the ugliest

>Best armor in the game is also undoubtably the ugliest
>Even more than early game noob shit that's little more than rags
Post examples

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literally every monster hunter game

Are you some kind of pussy?

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Do you guys like Fallout 4's armor system with the modular pieces and how power armor works?

>tfw I always used combat armor and a pair of rifles
>always upgraded for protection and weight reduction
>still never could get below 200 lbs of equipment

god damn Fallout 4 was so fucking bad I'm still mad

>the absolute dogshit selection of things in the basegame
>the sheer plethora of guns, coom and armour from the modding scene

Attached: YES (3).jpg (1280x960, 92.91K)

>Full body armor that replaces individual parts
>Not upgradeable, worse than the worst sets
...this. I can't be reminded of this game without remembering first of something shitty about it

yes. power armor feels like shit in 3 and nv, even when you get the training it doesnt feel exciting because it's heavy and just feels the same as everything else. power armor should be hype as fuck and feel more like an exosuit than a simple coat of armor

Modular armor? No, not at all. It just makes you look like a clown.

Power armor was neat, though the constant noise of movement got annoying and the Fusion Cores shouldn't have existed.

>No, not at all. It just makes you look like a clown.
That's a fault of the armor design, not the system

Yeah, it's a shame. I spent the entire game in Vault Suit + leather armor using a revolver and a hunting rifle, using Power Armor and Heavy Weapons in late game. Everything else was just hideously ugly. It's a real shame that Bethesda divorced itself from the relatively mundane look of the tech weapons seen in Fallout 1 and 2, with the exception of the Pulse Pistrol which looks like a toy. Laser guns were okay but their design for Plasma weapons looks so sloppy and ramshackle, which conflicts with the idea of it being one of the more advanced energy weapons.

The games would also benefit from more intimidating small guns. I enjoy handguns as a primary weapon, but Fallout 4 lacks anything like the .223, Desert Eagle, or Needler from Fallout 1 or 2. Deliverance is pretty good but is overly reliant on VATS for damage. Nothing really feels like a wrist breaking arm cannon and that's disappointing.

Attached: FalloutCombatArmor.png (1920x1080, 3.25M)

>Fusion Cores shouldn't have existed
they were likely only a thing because the game retardedly gives you power armor right at the start. if it was introduced later in the game, as it should be, they wouldnt have needed to worry about it. there'd still need to be a way to balance power armor though. i guess it could drop VATS accuracy, drop stealth massively, and increase reloading times

>mod out the need of fusion cores
>never use anything else again
Same thing happened in Fallout 2 once you know where the Enclave are. Why bother with shit tier armour when you can win every fight by tanking alone. I can see why they did it but then again the only ones getting fucked in this regard are PS4fags who are stuck with the base parameters. They could've just made power armour an endgame feature rather then giving it to you in the first 30 mins.

The feeling of the armor was fantastic and it made good use of movement and sound to convey weight. I didn't like the Modularity, at least in regards to Armor Value, but certain "perks" that enhance particular playstyles were fun. Things like Leg actuators for charging as a melee build, or lense optics to improve critical hit damage in VATS, stuff like that.

Each Power armor set should be a unique and significant discovery of the mid to late game, typically taking a good deal of effort to find, receive or get back into working order again. A major town might have a single set on display that only gets to be worn by a celebrated Hero, The Brotherhood of Steel naturally only gives it to an accomplished Knight, A set might be located amidst a pack of Deathclaws, things like that. These armor sets should each have a unique look, either through their model, paint job, or unique details, but should allow for alteration to suit playstyle.

Attached: T-60PowerArmor.jpg (866x727, 306.66K)

Not really, most of the modular armor pieces feel like stupidly small attachments like in OP's pic unless they're the heavy variants and it's mostly an excuse to stack Legendary effects (which in turn leads to WoW loadouts because you don't really care about aesthetics when you really want a certain Legendary), plus they're incompatible with body-covering suits which is a really bad thing because it renders such a large chunk of outfits into cosmetic-level stuff unless you unlock ballistic weave, and even then you won't benefit from multiple Legendaries. The Marine armor is what modular armor SHOULD have been, the badass design makes you realize just how mundane and boring every other armor piece feels.

Attached: Marine armor.png (468x660, 577.43K)

>A major town might have a single set on display that only gets to be worn by a celebrated Hero

Modular armor is balls and most of it looks like ass, PA was fucking great but should have included the Damage Threshold values from NV and only ass clowns mix and match PA sets so make them a full set needing a frame.

>basing stats on cosmetics items instead of letting people look like whatever they want

Every multiplayer game that does this misses a huge opportunity. People will continue to play a game purely because they can change their look or look individual.

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Legendary effects being the Skyrim style random bullshit was one of the worst things Bethesda introduced to the game. Especially since they give you absolutely no way to transfer or make the effects yourself.

Modular armor is too convoluted and makes you waste time trying to figure out how to maximize it all.

This game is completely trash vanilla. I’ve tried playing it on console recently, and it’s so boring.
I really don’t want to reinstall all that shit again on PC but I’m curious about some of these DLC sized mods out there, like London.

Plasma weaponry were experimental when the bombs fell, the only post war organization with expertise to improve and use it was the Enclave (technically the Institute too).

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