Dey put da mansfner chefde in da doter

dey put da mansfner chefde in da doter

Attached: madnerchefe.png (855x499, 933.42K)

i dont recognize that in the lyrics

>camera incapable of following you
lacking such a basic feature, league beats dota by miles and miles

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.

>actually using camera lock
There he is he said the thing again!!!

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>playing a moba with a camera like its an rts

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Using camera lock is awful for aiming I don't see how you put up with it.
I play league, but how do you look into the dragon pit when your camera is stuck on your nearsighted character instead of your teammates/ward vision?
Do you rely on the minimap or something?

As opposed to playing it like an arpg? Foolish lolbab

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i toggle it off when i need to. come on now

>t. deadgamebab

Now now lolbad, you know bringing up pop numbers won't change that you're playing the game wrong

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If you toggle, I don't really see how that is easier than just being used to always having the extra control.
Instead, you'd rather reach for the lock key (y i think?) every time you need it?
At least in hots you can hold spacebar for a holding lock on that you don't need a second press to release. Even then, I would not hold camera lock on ever.
I think the best use would just be to press it to center your camera on you that moment, but not follow.

its just not my problem dotard
*continues playing with camera locked*

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i think the best isa me do me ana you do you


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Why the fuck would you want that?

This game is ruining my life

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Lmaooo are you the furfag from reddit?

the one who posted that hoodwink fan art on /r/dota2 and they started seething because they looked at your post history of making fun of trannies?


>going on reddit to know that shit in the first place

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Stop browsing Reddit

But you can make the camera lock to you in Dota. People just don't do it because it's a horrible idea lol

Friendly reminder that dota players are fucking subhumans

Attached: dota player.webm (400x240, 2.19M)

HOTS is better.