I dont enjoy this game anymore, the games are one sided all the time

I dont enjoy this game anymore, the games are one sided all the time.

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I miss everybody being a newbie and having fun immortal games are so stressful and hard and every game has toxic teammates
even in unranked everybody is immortal its not fun

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im 2k and i just feel like the game purposedly wants me to lose with shitty ass fucking teammates like first picking techies. its not fun... while the enemy works together and decent. idk how ppl get to like 4k mmr or 8k.

Thats what happens when the devs focus only on esport tourneys so the game has zero growth.

this, back then they made the game rewarding, fun, now its all about teamfight, snowball because the viewrship. funny thing is esport is fucking dead.

you have to try to improve and then play enough to overcome the odds of enemy team having 5 wild cards and your team having 4 wild cards and one player always doing their best to win

>i just feel like the game purposedly wants me to lose with shitty ass fucking teammates
Teammates are roughly around your own skill level. If your teammates are retards it means you play like a retard.

thats not the issue, its the other players that do not want to win and having to deal with them
teammate lottery can easily gain or lose you 1000 mmr

im immortal and i feel like the game is just full of crowd control and it just forces you to build tanky items and rush bkb on almost every core thats one of its major problenms

it's called force 50% winrate

>playing with Russians in the current climate



picks are too important these days. cant dick around as much anymore


>hurdur buff everything, if everything is le broken nothing is
Mantra doesn’t work and never has

even pros are struggling to have a winrate higher than 50%
You must be retarded to enjoy this.

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I was 3k and climbed all the way to 5k, and yes the game forces you to be with people who you have to carry, if it was all up to your teammates alone goddamn i would be a herald

some games you just get countered by 3 heroes tilted or just outpaced sometimes its your fault too no need to blame the 50%

No you're just delusional

>had a 70% winrate as an offlaner around 2018 when i spammed pos3 stuff like bristle, underlord, axe in my 4,5k trench
>quit dota for a while
>come back in 2022, recalibration
>puts mit with legend 1-3 people, okay
>first pick AM mid on my team that ends with 0/8 by the 25min mark
>legion and 2 supports farm 30 minutes jungle for a blink dagger
>next 3 matches go the same except one has a brood mid spammer/smurf with a full page of rampages
>"iT's Le YoUr OwN fAuLt"
kys, dota matchmaking always has been garbage and now is absolutely dogshit, i'll take that as a message to not come back to this shitfest of a game

They no longer buff everything

i agree with you that there a lots of ruiners in this game but you can win a lot of games just by doing the correct plays and also a lot of ppl dont know how to play from behind they just tilt out of this world

Coordination is key. Though playing solo will mostly be a shitshow.
Coming back to the game after a while, it's baffling how in the year 2021+1, people still ruin games for others because they're not doing well.
Maybe I just got older and stopped having a winner mentality.

funny i had the same realization in 2015

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