It says here in your résumé you didn't bother crafting the potions, decoctions and bombs...

It says here in your résumé you didn't bother crafting the potions, decoctions and bombs. Yet you still complained about certain areas and bosses being unfairly difficult.

Please explain yourself.

Attached: interview.jpg (778x776, 249.36K)

I don't like using items to win

>Yet you still complained about certain areas and bosses being unfairly difficult
For Witcher 3? Really? Did anyone actually complain about it?

You didn't beat the game if it wasn't on death march that's still too easy as it is

yes i made a mistake but may i marry you ciri

Attached: disgusted ciri.jpg (1920x1080, 644.63K)

in my defense I wanto to say that Triss is best girl

It's got dark souls 2 tier hitboxes for certain enemies but his one upgrade gives you invincibility frames over the entire dodge animation so it's a non-issue

No upgrade gives you more invincibility frames

Well no I didn't i just played in easy and used cheat engine to max level and get the best armor with console commands.

I also cheated to get all gwent cards

Attached: Geralt says GAY RIGHTS.webm (1920x1080, 2.69M)

i'm no witcher, i'm just some guy

Attached: this_is_fine.jpg (636x356, 49.59K)

I think it's damage reduction over the dodge animation, starts off at 20% goes to 100%
If you put talent points into anything but red tree you didn't beat the game

>I also cheated to get all gwent cards
That's actually based because there's 1 semi-decent quest tied to gwent and the game (gwent) itself is hot garbage
That's how we used to spot shill e-celebs back in the day, gwent was a talking point for shills while no human could possibly find it fun

I first started out on the next lowest one, but quickly restarted. The difficulty curve starts out kind of steep but goes way down

ciri wouldn't be disgusted with me, ciri and i are meant to be

Attached: cirihug.jpg (3263x2152, 1.98M)

>you put talent points into anything but red tree you didn't beat the game
Red tree has all the good shit though, especially whirl and rend. It's the people who invested hard in blue that suffer because Geralt isn't a wizard and no amount of min maxing can make magic match your swords.

Are you of African descent?

Attached: Cerys thinkan.jpg (619x581, 109.96K)


Attached: ciri.png (724x646, 876.59K)

Of course, you literally only play CDPR games to coom to them.

They are giving us more Panam DLC, seethe, cope, dilate

It's mainly because you end up overleveling half the quests in the game no matter how hard you try not to. Once you get to Velen there's a million quests and no way to juggle them all.

this only happens if you're enough of a cuck to make her, it is NOT the canon choice

Attached: ciri108.jpg (1362x1422, 470.72K)

>you literally only play CDPR games to coom to them

Ah yes because CDPR games offer me so much gay content. Everyone knows Geralt is a huge cumdumpster and goes around riding cock in Witcher 3 and gay men have SOOOO many romantic options in Cyberpunk 2077 because the devs are totally not homophobic pieces of shit.

God damn Geralt with this haircut looks exactly like my fucking dad minus the scars and flat ugly nose.