Any programmers here?

Any programmers here?

Can an html5 game detect if I'm using an autoclicker if its always online via server reports or something?

Attached: 1650757532906.jpg (578x800, 118.09K)

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Yes, unusual click patterns after a long period of time is easily detectable, regardless of language

detect this, bitch

Attached: auto.gif (360x272, 959.78K)


feed your click input (location x y, time) into a neural net

train it a bit and shit out a click script

plus some randum number modifier if you're scared

are you retarded?
if you keep clicking with the exact same delay for two hours it's obvious you are using an auto clicker

I know this specific game bans you for using an autorefresher because they can tell. So they can also tell when an autoclicker is used even if the page is not refreshed? Thanks.

Yes but what is your proof that any video game ever implemented such thing?

Yes it's definitely detectable, but it really depends on if the developer bothered to implement it.
For an auto-clicker they could capture your mouse coordinates during input and log them, if they are always in the same place (or in the same place for an unlikely amount of inputs) then they might flag you for using an auto-clicker and then ban you or whatever.
Here is proof:

>Create timer
>Increment it each millisecond
>On click, send amount of milliseconds passed, and reset timer
It's pretty simple user. If you're playing a fucking video game, do you think they can't implement a simple timer?

Also, which game is it? It would be helpful to know to get a general idea of whether it would be worth it for them to implement anti-cheat systems, if they detect and ban for auto-refreshing though they probably also would have implemented some checks on mouse input to look for bots.

they can do that but why would they?

... To stop cheaters???

Attached: 1644471814100.gif (720x404, 2.78M)

cheating what? clicking?

Are you just thick or is this a bait thread?

if you click alot you do not really cheat. Also why would anyone create system in game where clicking alot and fast would give you advantage?

But you're not clicking a lot, so you are cheating

that does not make sense. I click alot.

>if you click alot you do not really cheat.
If you click every, say, 100 milliseconds exactly over and over, it's extremely obvious you are using a tool/cheating.
I don't get what your second sentence is even supposed to mean.

i can click like that and even faster.

Have you got a point?

Well since it's an anonymous imageboard it's okay if I die of embarrassment It's Neopets. I just wanted the top prize for once in this pretend sports event where you play mindless games and send scores, and the team with the best scores wins. I asked because apparently people have cheated for years using a score sender, not even playing the games just sending fake scores, but this was when flash player was still used.

do not reply to me

don't bother responding he is a retard

The best way to cheat in that case would be to write a bit of js to 'click' the button, with a random delay.
You will need to hook up the actual button object. You can call scripts with developer tools on firefox/chrome/whatever.


You can use this instead of jquery

document.getElementById("PUT THE BUTTON ELEMENT ID HERE").click();

function random(min,max){
return min + (max - min) * Math.random()

I've heard of it, but I'm not familiar with it. It sounds like they have some sort of monetization so they absolutely do have the motivation and good reason to implement cheat/automation detection for clicking along with the refreshing.
From some quick investigation it seems like there's also sob stories of people using browser tools to automate refreshing and getting banned with no hope of recovering their accounts.
If you do want to try to set up some type of autoclicking, you should test on a throwaway account to tune it and run it to make sure it's not detected, and likely you'll need to make sure that it's random and tuned to human like behavior as much as possible to try and defeat their detection.
If you do care about your account then it's probably not worth the risk, but it could be a fun exercise to try on fake accounts.

mgs1 had it
if japs could program it then anyone can
just measure the delay, compare times, have a counter, done