What are your experiences playing online with girls(females)

What are your experiences playing online with girls(females)

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i don't have experience playing with girls online

Almost universally positive because the girls I play consistently are drama free, even amongst each other. However, random girls we meet during online games are usually cunts. The ones in L4D and Dead By Daylight are the chillest though.

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For what I've seen they are tryharding without much skill, similar to 14 year olds trying to rank up. It can be okay at games where any increase in communication is a plus but if there is someone who takes a personal offense on women existing it can also lead to intentional ruining.

>banned from eSports for being excesively bad players
Kek, these whores thought they would fit in just because they are women.

They're bad at video games and have no desire to change that. Little boys and girls sit around in kindergarten and enjoy finger painting. Boys grow up into men and paint portraits and landscapes using all of their accumulated skill, knowledge, and experience. Girls grow up to be women and enjoy finger painting.

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Women don't like videogames. The only reason they play multiplayer ones is due to the social aspect.

Why else would you bother with online multiplayer than social aspect?

Being competitive with someone else has nothing to do with using the chat room every 20 seconds while playing the game

Dunno when I still regularly played online games we always had ventrilo server going. Nowadays once in a blue moon if I pop somewhere usually at least use chat. Like why not. Otherwise might as well play with bots and that point might as well just play better single player game

i don't have experience playing with girls online

This, after playing many mmos for thousands of hours, I did notice women don't play for individual experience but rather for collective experience, however a lot of men play for collective experience too, only PvP in mmos is masculine, parties/raids etc is feminine

>playing ArmA 3 with my dude military bros
>everyone talks shit of each other, women and minorities all the time
>suddenly one of the boys introduces his GF to the game
>she starts hang around in our Team Speak
>every fucking faggot in the group acts and talks different when she's around
>some of them even get flirtatious with her
>you can see she loves all this attention
>during missions she's always get assign to a key role like sniper or demolition specialist
>a few minutes later she gives her BF the boot and never appears on TS again
>for weeks, people in the group ask the guy what happened to her
>every time he had to explain they broke up and refuses to elaborate any further
>he start to show up less and less
>sometime later he announces that he is leaving the group for good in order to play other games
I feel bad for the guy, in the beginning he probably thought he had struck gold with a girl that loved the same things as him

There was one on a project zomboid server who burned down half the town when her generator exploded.

They talk a lot so they can do the whole "I'M A GIRL! WORSHIP ME!" thing, but they rarely can play.

Terrible. In every single game they tend to be loud , bad, toxic and cringe.
I think my worst was in Dead By Daylight, I saw one of the survivors had a twitch tv name so I checked it out and it was this super shallow whore. I just left the stream open and my PC was running like shit so I could barely even move, I would hit and the survivor was like 20 meters away.

So what happens? The whore starts insulting non stop
Like, out of nowhere, it wasn't like I camped her or I was being toxic, i would miss one hit because my game was running at 2 fps and she would start insulting non stop.

So what I did was camp her and her simp duo and let the other two teammates escape, she was being SUPER toxico to those other two and saying they were useless pieces of shit that didn't do anything and all her twitch chat would support her and simp for her.

Match ends, I start telling her to go back to the kitchen, that the game wasn't for her and that shallow vapid whores like her always end up either raped and killed or killing themselves after hitting the wall.
Boom, she had a meltdown and tried to send her simp army after me opening my steam profile and telling them to go do something to me and stuff. It was hilarious yet super sad because she was ridiculously mad and couldn't do anything about her and her 12 year old masturbator fans were obviously not going to dox me and kill me.

But anyway, I just wish all women got cancer and died. The world would be so much better if it was just hot gay white men. Women are super mean, shitty and ugly.

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>says "toxic" and "cringe"
>is a faggot
Every. Time.

are they still playing?

They always end up sending me nudes

She's terrible. I'm in love. Sure she's a Mexican loving American grandma but God that southern accent just melts my brain. Sweetest sounding women I've ever talked to. But yeah shit at games, makes here oos and awws that much sweeter everytime she dies. I'm legit in absolute love.

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They weren't banned though iirc they just disbanded because they couldn't get along

half of you probably wont even believe this happened but i dont care
>open vermintide 2 cata lobby
>if the first player to join is playing the elf i instantly kick them on principle after telling them i dont play with elves
>usually they keep trying to rejoin and get really mad and its funny
>one day an elf player joins, i tell them i dont play with elves and kick them instantly.
>they rejoin as a different character and instead of raging, i hear a shy girls voice calmly telling me she would have changed to a different character if i had just asked
>immediately feel guilty
>i dont kick her and we play hunger in the dark
>shes actually good
although the stereotypes are true, i believe some women can be exceptions from it. we should not necessarily cater to women in gaming, but we should definitely try to avoid actively repelling them from our hobby.

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