what does Any Forums think about this?

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kys nigger

If he can eliminate enough juden he will earn himself honorary aryanhood

Based, we can kill the Jews together.

frog drawing now seethe

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Anyone who wants to depose Jewish rule and banish central banking is a brother. Nothing else matters. Anyone who says otherwise isn't a real national socialist.

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Hitler had less problems with the blacks than FDR or his Jews did.

video games

if blacks vanished from the planet, what sector of society would suffer?

nazis/germans/europeans in general don't really care about blacks because they rarely encounter them. they hated jews so much was because the rhineland was full of jews.

what a nice black gentleman. would gas kikes with him.

every bad trait people associate with black americans was forced upon them by jews intentionally fucking up their culture. any black person who realizes this will be based as fuck and a warrior for truth.


music. also this could be said of any group and humans as a whole. if humans were destroyed the rest of the planet is objectively better off.

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video games are political
dumb chud

It's only good when it's nigger hating black women

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What's the story behind this image?

>we never got to see Rockwell and Malcolm X team up and take down the kikes
>both were assassinated by cia niggers before they could fix anything
This is the worst timeline.

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Every sector would suffer, since the world would enter in fucking chaos


>world would enter in fucking chaos
how so? all out war for Africa's resources?

afrika korps?

is that the chocolate rain guy?

Nazis have always been diverse

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anime, vidya and books

>Any Forums - Video Games

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said the reddit tranny frog poster who spams off topic garbage all day and night

Yeah, what would Any Forums think about that

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and land, now that you mention it youre right