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Why are all MMORPGs after like 2005 (with the exeception of FF14 and GW2) cursed?

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because MMORPGs were a phase and not a genre perse

Also the industry business model as changed drastically and traditional business models are no long sought after due to huge investment risk

>and GW2)
removing the holy trinity is a mistake

NEETs ruined MMOs

Games like Genshin and Diablo Immortal are essentially MMORPGs.
Even XIV is a loose MMO.

The ‘genre’ is still huge.

I enjoyed my time with FF14 but when i started in heavensward i expected a lot of the game's major problems to be ironed out by the time a 3 expansion released but they never were, instead they just kept adding cutscenes and items to the cash shop. GW2 trying to nickle and dime me for lootboxes and cosmetics got annoyong as fuck, the game is unoptimized as shit and this is a personal pet peeve but there is literally no proper casual dueling system which is cringe considering how hard they initially pushed le epic PvP as a big feature

sunken cost fallacy
people already play an mmo. they've spent much of their life playing said mmo
when another one comes around, they have to dedicate time between two mmos which is actually not something you can do endgame without suffering for it

so they either play to max level and fuck around for a bit and go back to their main mmo, that they've already invested countless hours into
or they quit mmos, waiting for the wowkiller" to come and save them from the game they've already invested countless hours into but no longer enjoy

ffxiv was the closest thing the mmo industry will ever get to a wowkiller until galaxy/universe of warcraft or world of starcraft or world of diablo comes out.
ffxiv only survived because of the brand. ffxiv 4.0 should have killed it, but that fucking brand is strong even though they haven't released a good game in over a decade.

Brainlet take

no soul and too many chinks

sure GW2's horrid class-balance and low player counts are all wrong and it's genius design, ya got me faggot

Not my problem that the mechanics flew over your head. You are simply parroting what you read here, to get some upboats from like minded cockmunchers.

they took too long for any good updates and you needed to autism grind to level 40 for invasions/50 for wars + endgame half the shit didnt work right. devs salty starter area was a trade hub since they put it in the middle of the map so they made all auction houses linked and i stopped playing

i made bank duping gold and i cashed out

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GW2 is the worst MMORPG I ever played and I played almost all of them including SWTOR and New World that were both somehow better.

Im 40 and to this day I can say that GW2 is my only videogame related buyer remorse.

>except GW2

Attached: gw2 quest.png (405x151, 98.96K)

Lmao, hating on gw is such a meme

GW was a good game, were shitting on GW2

keep telling yourself that any hatred of the game must be artificial

Shitting on gw2 is a meme. Most of you faggots have only third hand experience with the game, and at best played on launch, which was eight years ago. It's peak Reddit behaviour begging for (you)s.

I'm not saying GW2 is a bad game, but I really miss the monk and the dual professions. Build creativity in GW1 was broken and unbalanced, but it was so fun and creative. Why did they throw this feature in garbage, I'll never understand.

they are all cash grabs made without passion by devs won't don't understand nor play mmos

YOU should go to plebbit and join a circlejerk thread about GW2 then.

Thanks for the textbook case of projecting though, it was cute to behold.