Was it really that bad?

Was it really that bad?

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No but it filtered the puny minded

yes it was, fuck off first post.

It was worse.

Im playing it rn, might be the best CRPG ever made (unironically)

I heard it was worse than the first one which was boring as shit so I don't imagine it's great

Is it still overly verbose about literally everything?

Everyone on /vrpg/ keeps saying it's one of the best crpg ever made so I finally played and they were right, it was.

No. It's a great game with some flaws that faggots overblew because "muh gay fish" or some shit like that.

Yeah it is, but I deal with it by just skimming/skipping through dialogue in quests/encounters I dont find too interesting

It's not as much as the first game, and the dialogue has a bit more levity to it.

Should I play the first one too and import my char too Deadfire?

If you're only going to play one of them then pick the sequel. You can create your own history somewhere in the menus iirc

It was just a 6, maybe 7 out of 10, and there's just not much reason to spend 50 hours on a mediocre CRPG.

It's a bit of fun if you just skip all the "dialogue" and smash out the combat till you're bored.

What gay fish?

Yeah, it performed so poorly it put the series on ice. People who say its amazing are just contrarians and boomers who like RTWP games that play themselves for them where the most they have to do is buff before a fight, but given deadfires FF12 esc character AI editor, you can make them do that themselves.

>People who say its amazing are just contrarians and boomers who like RTWP games that play themselves for them where the most they have to do is buff before a fight
kek confirmed mouthbreather that never played the game because pre-buffing before fights is not in Pillars of Eternity

>Yeah, it performed so poorly
It wasn't because it was bad, but because most people didn't even finish the first game to care enough about a second coming out.
>People who say its amazing are just contrarians and boomers who like RTWP games that play themselves for them where the most they have to do is buff before a fight,
Ah, you're one of those turn based faggots that love watching characters perform 12 turns before you get to do anything.


Combat's fine, couldn't handle the dialogue. The fantasy faux-Spanish was driving me up the fucking wall, like nails on a chalkboard.

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Has one of the most beautiful women in western games

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