The La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo!

The La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo!

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I actually sneezed my choccy milk when this mart came on

How do you censor someone's tongue honestly, you can't just produce a 'lalilulelo' noise when your mouth is clearly moving to say 'patriot'

Nanomachines, son.

>Kojima intentionally named them the La Li Lu Le Lo because it’s impossible for japs to pronounce

Holy based

the rah-reih-ruh-ri-roh?

based retard

Misconception. Lalilulelo is a localization change from the original name.
Stop being a dub fag.

what do you mean?

>shadow cabal treated as a conspiracy urban legend for most of the series
>mgs 4
>everyone and their 2 dads knows them

Does it have something to do with this guy? Forgot what he's called though

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The dud?

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you don't hear it and can't say it.
Imagine censor bleep

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I think his name was Big Smallman


The loli Lou laid low?

That fits the message though. The patriots didn't want people to talk about them, and you cannot censor everything and everywhere - so they adopt a name that many people cannot pronounce to begin with, to make it harder for the conspiracy to spread from person to person/word of mouth.

I think his name is MGS4 Goodgameman


Wasn't his name something ridiculous like Live Dieman?

Livefree Diehardman