Switch hacker to be made example of - sentenced to 40 months in prison, has to pay 4.5m usd

>a judge sentenced Bowser to 40 months in prison, followed by a 3-year supervisory period. He also has to pay $4.5 million in restitution to Nintendo of America—to be paid in monthly installments not exceeding 10 percent of his monthly income. It is an intentionally harsh sentence designed to deter future hacking.

holy shit lmfao

>plenty of hackers before him
>plenty of hackers after
>becomes the one that gets made example of

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He stole their heckin' copyrighted name and they were furious.

I haven't paid for a switch game in 4 years

not my problem

pretty sure he was singled out because he ran a marketplace to sell hacks to play any game

They do the same shit with random pirates on occasion, millions of people pirate shit with 0 consequences but every now and then someones decides to throw the book at some random grandma for clout.

>Sold hardware that jailbroke their console and allowed you to run pirated games
Color me surprised.

>Gay Bowser
Sounds fake to me

He got greedy

>Gary Bowser
>Gay Bowser
I feel there's some trickery goin on round here

>So long, Gary Bowser!

>ruining a person's life because he softmodded your console


He made a business out of selling devices that broke Nintendo's DRM. He's not a hacker, he's not a pirate, he's an entrepreneur with a business that happened to be illegal

They want it to sound like anyone hacking their Switch risks this. No. Your risk is 0.

I haven't paid for a Nintendo game since Eternal Darkness on the Gamecube.

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beat me to it

>gary bowser
Yeah, no.. this is fake

did they pick him because his name was bowser?

Why did Bowser do it bros?

>land of the """"""""""""""""free""""""""""""""""" lmao

god damn chicken tenders sound good tight now. with a plethora of dips infront of me I would become nick avacado

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I want to feel bad for this faggot, but I don't. Literally his fault for roping himself up with people that were screeching about his work in public spaces like reddit, Twitter, and YouTube.

You people are completely retarded and don't have the critical thinking to realize that Nintendo used America's existing resources for megacorps to assrape random people.

What are you on about Schizo. Nintendo IS a megacorp. They don't burgers to help them go after random ass people

>Nintendo of America
>not American
>American court decision
>not American

Fuck SXOS, piracy must be free like Atmosphere

selling shit you stole is always a sure way to get analraped in prison.