Are we wasting our times lads?

Are we wasting our times lads?

The older I get (I'm 25) I keep feeling as of I'm wasting my time playing videogames. They now feel like a chore, and as my gf and I are saving to buy a home and talking about having kids, the idea of sitting at a pc of console to experience some substandard form of art just feels wasteful. Do you ever get this feeling?

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That is because new games are shit. If you are between your mid 20s to whatever you probably experienced a better time for games and media, and now can see the benefit from ignoring them

>thinking about kids at that age
Wanna know how I know your gf is ugly/fat/insecure?

>buying house
just enjoy life, lad

>having kids at 25
>with just a girlfriend
Do you even want them or just because it's expected?

user if I gave kids now I'll be 45 when my kids are 20. Don't let society tell you it's best to wait into your 30s. It's a lie.

25 is a great age to have kids if you're in decent fiscal straits. You've still got the energy and spunk to keep up with them into the wee hours of the morning. I wish I'd had mine younger. I'm 34 and staying up til 2 AM every morning to keep an eye on them is exhausting.

Wasting your time? What visions of grandeur do you have user? Wageslaving just to raise some kids who will probably not even call you on your birthday when they get older? Some wife who will shed any semblance of personality the second she shits out a kid and hangs up a 'Live, Laugh, Love' sign? Life is for pleasure with the guideline being to try and not make the world a worse place before you croak.

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I can afford a house now and wanted to have kids but the woman I was interested in wasn't ready for that commitment. Now I don't see the point in even trying anymore.

nigger don't force yourself, stupid niggers think they NEED to play games like is a job or someshit

Everything is a chore

Yes and no .

If you're with someone you love and you're considering kids. It's a waste. You've advanced In life and childhood banalities are useless.

On the other hand, I understand these past times are good for someone like me. I don't have a job. I don't have a gf. Last time I kissed a girl is when I was 19. To me it's honestly all I have to prevent me from commiting suicide. Let me have it. You go on without me. Only part that ok kills me is my family name will end with me. My grandfather fought in WW2 for what? He was a real man. Handsome, respectful, fought for his loved ones. I have little man breasts that look like dog heads. I eat until I puke and I have back acne. I'm 34.

>Are we wasting our time
if you feel you are wasting your time, then you just do something else with your life

video gaems isn't some cult you can't leave

>The older I get (I'm 25) I keep feeling as of I'm wasting my time playing videogames
Because your future is uncertain and you ARE wasting your time until you have your financial security taken care of.

31 here. When you get even older, you realize no matter what you do it all feels like a waste.

And most importantly, you will learn that it's alright.

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>I'm 34 and staying up til 2 AM every morning to keep an eye on them is exhausting.
Even if you were 10 years younger it would still be exhausting.

Videogames are entertainment. You play them when you have nothing better to do, or need to relax, or spend time with friends who also enjoy games.
If you no longer enjoy games or are playing at inappropriate times then maybe they are a waste of time for you.

>31 y/o thinking they know shit
C'mon man, I'm the same age and know manchildren twice my age and people in their 20's who own land. Save the nihilism for your 20's.

Kill yourself, don't ask stupid questions this isn't Any Forums

You ok user? Lmao. I'd love to see a day in the life of this mother fucker.

>Get up at 1pm
>Browse Any Forums
>Post Sonic and BBC thread
>Get breakfast that consists of sugary cereal
>Watch Rick and Morty
>Play CoD, Word of Warcraft, some porn game
>Reheat a frozen meal. Eat it quickly.
>On Any Forums until 3am
>Pass out


True, but at least back then I did it anyway to get some down time, and it wouldn't be so hard, plus I wasn't working an intensely physical job like I do now. Shame I didn't make beans back then. Blue collar contract work is rough, but that check every two weeks makes it worthwhile.

you need to find a game that you really like
Or just stop playing video games, you have a gf, why do you need them?



Games are how I connect with my wife. Her sitting in a chair behind me working on some pet project, humming along with the BGM, looking up wiki info when I'm trying to plan out a build, while I man the controls.

I just turned 25 and I'm expecting a kid in late October/early November. That's usually the best age to have them anyway.

how is it any different than wasting 6 hours a night on fucking netflix?
at least video games are a step up from watching fucking Love Island and Married At First Sight, which is what most people do

that's hedonism and it's abusing pleasure to the point where nothing is pleasurable anymore
slow down, it's OK to not experience everything

I'm 25 too. Starting to get the same feeling. Growing up I played a shitton of videogames and I truly believe that they can expose you to a lot of new ideas and ways of thinking as you grow up and that can be a positive, but once you get to around our age you need to be honing your skills and carving out your place in the world, and playing videogames really isn't conducive to that.
Also games fucking suck now. We're in June and the only interesting release in the last like 2 years was Elden Ring, and I still haven't even played that. If nothing interesting is shown during the E3 replacement presentations in the coming week I might just give up on games entirely

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that's awefully specific user. do you consider this the low point of your life, now that you wageslave away?
>Are we wasting our times lads?
This is a question you ask yourself after you work for a couple of years. If you ask yourself this question while you enjoy a relaxing hobby, then you have never worked a day in your life.

Then maybe take a break at least. Or find another way to connect with her

Mid 20 blues where you think you need to be constantly productive when none of that shit matters. Get married and have a kid and get a house, why would that stop you from playing games for fun? Sure you might not be able to grind MMO's 15 hours a day, but what are you going to do with the free time you have? Believe me that there will always be a looming feeling that you are wasting your time no matter what the fuck you do.