MGR fanboy mods delete a video game thread with actual discussion

>MGR fanboy mods delete a video game thread with actual discussion.

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i legit laughed out loud when I clicked on the thread and it 404'd. you can't make this shit up. fuck this shit board with it's bbc spam and globohomo posting

Lmao based mods OP absolutely destroyed

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why would an mgr fan delete and mgr thread

Because OP made a shitty bait bread

who was in the wrong?

because the entire thread was just shitting on MGR( and rightfully so) and then MGR supporters came in trying to save face but failed so mods came in to clean it up

maybe he was munching his hotpocket and misclicked, we all make honest mistakes

Any Forums loved MGR since it came out and now that it's popped off among zoomers Any Forums doesn't like it? kek

about time they started enforcing the rules

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its no surprise that mods are fucking retards user, fuck em


>years later journos and retards still SEETHING at MGR because it blew DmC out of the water

Not this. I enjoy both MGR and DMC3 for different reasons.

he was talking about DmC reboot.

They hate it because it's finally getting the recognition and appreciation it deserves. Hating popular things is not a personality nor is it a substitution for one, and the anons who are shitting on it for being popular (which IS why they shit on it, not any other reason) are basically NPCs.

Everyone. Literally everyone on Any Forums is always in the wrong.

nope, it's flawed up the ass
>weak enemy variety
>grey boring levels
>weak gameplay loop that consists of mini games ala Zandatsu
>Game is too short
>game is obviously rushed
it deserves to be shit on.

Critisising the game is one thing but you are trying to spread a false narrative of the game being overall hated and got rightfully done in for it. This shits no different to leftists trying to gaslight people into thinking pre 2016 Any Forums supported progressive ideas.

>best combat mechanics in any hack and slash ever, has yet to be topped
>Actually have to work to unlock weapons and other equipment instead of having them handed to you for free
>Getting the best ranks requires actual skill, to say nothing of the bosses
>Isn't dragged out like most of the Metal Gay Limpdick franchise
>Combat is fast and fluid unlike Dicksuck My Cock which is slow and boring

Its pros outweigh any flaws it might have and it's still the best hack and slash on the market all these years later.

lmfao no it isn't, it's brain dead button mashing garbage with repurposed mechanics from Bayonetta. Look, I likeMGR but you're fucking delusional. DMC5 shits on it and NInja Gayden shits all over it as well.

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It seems janny trannies are quite unhinged tonight