Name 1 good reason to play on anything other than thr intended Normal experience

Name 1 good reason to play on anything other than thr intended Normal experience

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Life should be easy and only video games are the challenge.
You can't prove me wrong.

the challenge

If you want a 500 reply twitter thread you're supposed to use the "you didn't beat the game if you rewind" screencap


Attached: south_park_difficulty_slider.jpg (1400x788, 62.7K)

I'm sure this thread is going to be filled with vidya discussion and not pasty white incels screaming about BBC.

The only reason to play above normal is if the developers are stupid and "normal" is braindead easy. Playing Pathfinder Kingmaker on difficulties above challenging for example is just not fun no matter how good you are.

Watch me naynay

its fun depending on the game

It's fun.

>Difficulty: Here for the story
>Cheat: On
>Assist: On
It's gaming time, yeah

>Indended normal
Hard is usually the intended unless stated otherwise.

life isnt harder if you're black it only becomes harder if you act like a nigger

I'm after satisfaction. For some games (not all!) beating a game on hard is very satisfying. And satisfaction, unlike fun and happiness, can't be bought easily.

okay, that's fair, i personally prefer to play on hard more often than not and want it to keep existing as an option

completely forgot about this desu

>Hard is usually the intended
for modern games, definitely

>life is challenging
>nigger living in America wrote this

This is so hilarious and genius. How the fuck is South Park still on point after like 25 years?

Video games are challenging in a way that is deliberately designed to be fun and satisfying to overcome, life often throws challenges at you that aren't very fun.

>How the fuck is South Park still on point after like 25 years?
South Park was never good

If you are white, the life is an easy mode. You'll never beat the game. Come again when you are black

>hard mode makes you do less damage while enemies do more

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play it how you want just don't be annoying about it
just a video game its not an accomplishment on any difficulty

There was a kid in my 3rd grade class named Xavier, everyone in class made fun of him because he was fat. He probably didn't deserve it and probably grew up to be a normal guy. Sorry Xavier

why is this board /gif/ lite
fuck all of you, genuinely
go play a good videogame, cleanse yourself and stop obsessing over nogs

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Nah it is
>friendly fire is on by default and can't be disabled
>lactose debuffs you
>sometimes you spawn in the Africa server
>attempting to raise intelligence stat increases enemy aggro

Now that I'm an adult with a fairly successful career I can say that life isn't all that hard. Tedious and repetitive, but not really difficult

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This didn't even matter

Intended assperience is too easy.

If you have the luxury of playing video games and making dumb fuck posts on twitter then your life isn't that hard

That's the point

Multiple playthroughs, duh

In the case of metal gear solid it makes the game more fun (if you can handle the challenge) because the AI gets better.

Depends on the game. 99% of games Normal is the best because its what enemy health, pickups, level design, and everything is based around for the most fluid experience.

But every now and then there is a rare game that does a good New Game+ or replay value out of increasing difficulty modes that makes you fine tune how you play and come up with new ways to win. That can be fun. But its rare that a game gets it right.

With present technology and potential technology if we were applying our resources to improve existence yes, absolutely shit should be easier.

this post is an oxymoron

>life should be a challenge
>i should be struggling to pay rent
>make strategic decisions about which part of my health to sabotage and which to prioritize