Are you ready for Kojima's new MAGNUM OPUS ????

Are you ready for Kojima's new MAGNUM OPUS ????
>Kojima Productions has since reached out after the publication of this article via email to ask for its removal.
>I have denied the request.

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This time you play as an Uber driver

the real MGS5 is right around the corner
why didn't we listen to caramel

Holy shit please no, can this man just go back to making metal gear already

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Who has to pick up cinematically pleasing sperm samples...

Let me guess, someone in the game overdoses?

He made that silent hill demo thing that was a better horror game than it had any right to be.

Yeah, Vegeta on copium

how come that guys mum lets him wear two helmets?

COVID20 is just that strong

It’s going to be the next Strand-type game isn’t it?

At the last second the title of the game will transform into the words Silent Hills.
I'm calling it!

That overrated hallway simulator where he took credit for the work of his team?

knowing him, the main character is dead and overdoses back to life because cringe

>Kojima Productions has since reached out after the publication of this article via email to ask for its removal.

>I have denied the request.

get pwned, kojimbo

If its not VR then I dont know what Kojimbo's doing. Silent Hills in VR is as kino as it could get.

Is that how everything ever works? The person in charge gets all the credit

>Still wishing for a dead genre

cant kojimbo just make Snatcher again but in 3d this time.
like just strap Policenauts in stranding engine like a skin mod and it'll be good

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because it can be completely optional and still work like Resident Evil has been doing. Horror games are way better in VR.

VR is genuinely going really strong.

Well he isn't with his konami team anymore. So what does past success have anything to do with now?

MGS series few spooky moments easily BTFO most modern "horror" games. It's finally time to see what he's capable of without the restrictions set by the MGS' IP.

really? I rarely see any VR stuff nowadays, Alyx is the last big VR thing i've heard of, that said I guesshas a point since all horror games mostly support VR

It's pretty unusual for an AAA game to have a single getting the credit for it, most of them are seen as having been made by a company.

>I have denied the request.
Why would you blacklist yourself that way?

My favorite part about Kojima games is everything before the game. if it's shown this year that means it'll come out in 2025, that's about 2 years of fun before release. Game will be more celebrities playing embarrassing characters in cringe cutscenes. But the promise of a Kojima game, that thing you imagine it'll be but won't, the thrill of trying to understand the esoteric promotional material and nonsense trailers before the utter disappointment, that's what's fun about a Kojima game, you don't even need to buy the product to get the best of it. That's his gift.

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