What's the vidya equivalent?

what's the vidya equivalent?

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Cruelty Squad

Mario Tennis.

I bought this shit but never read it

Team Buddies for the original Playstation.

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I heard it's a math schizo book, is that true?

something cringe

Conker's Bad Fur Day

I don't know what modern books are good.


I want to say it makes actual references to it.

iain banks' books are fun... Three body problem was a really interesting read.. What kind of stuff are you into?

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Bioshock Infinite

I liked a lot of Crichton and Koontz in high school, started reading Kerouac and Burroughs in college and enjoyed that.

Is the audiobook of this good?
>inb4 you did not read it
I don't care about /lit/ epeen

i don't remember there being anything to do with math unless you consider counting aggressively large amounts of footnotes to be math
it's about addiction and tennis, the tennis parts are a little weak but the addiction parts are brilliant

I would simply just turn off the video tape and go for a walk

Reading is good for you.

i guess there's a lot of discussion about light physics too, and a lot of formulas in the footnotes. But just glaze over them and be like "ok"
no idea how an audio book would work because of all the footnotes, there are over 400 of them and some of them are like 20 pages long

Disco Elysium


The "total experience" of video games (encompassing actually playing games, ancillary media, posting about them, meta-text, etc.) is of the genre Wallace is trying to do Infinite Jest in. It's also "about" that genre. It's a good book, and a lodestone for how solitary texts are capable of engaging with mass psychic formations on their own terms while remaining distinct. Pic unrelated

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So it's more of House of Leaves "look at me I'm being wierd" wankory

What is The Man from Earth of video games?

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Umineko obviously