Looks like kino is back on the menu, boys

looks like kino is back on the menu, boys

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>podcast is just three hours of Jeff rambling about Atari games with no sidekicks or bluehairs
Fucking finally. Just what I've always wanted.

I've been forcing myself to listen weekly. Only there for Jeff. This is good news.

Wonder how long GB will last now.

Just subscribed to his YouTube. videos are super comfy

Dan actually seems interested in doing fun shit for GB again, so hopefully a while

I stopped giving a shit about Giantbomb back when Abby joined. I remember she did a BLM donation through there

>4901 patrons already
damn kinda unexpected, but not really
good for him

Patreons are always like that when they launch, that number will be down by 2/3rds in two or three months.

So it'll only get worse for him?

Cant do much inside of a zoom meeting, and several of them live across the country from each other, so no studio

Sounds perfect.

Jeff better have guests, no way he can survive just rambling to himself for hours

The podcast dynamic has been off for a long time.

Jan was tolerable as the little kid sidekick who could occasionally talk about things trendy with young players (as he is a shallow trend-chasing whore with no sense of frugality). But then they put him in the driver seat and I'd had enough. Then Jess felt a lot like another Jan in her mannerisms and it just didn't get any better.

Jeff G and Jess's bickering about Metal Gear really felt like Jeff throwing his hands up and not caring any more about keeping the podcast in order.

I stopped listening to the dumptruck revival and I don't feel much reason to keep listening to GB at all any more. I will miss some topics that Jeff B brought to the table.

I see. it'll probably still grow quite a bit, hope he keeps making enough to put out solo content anyway

>no way he can survive just rambling to himself for hours

Jeff's "drive to E3" mixler shows were the best content GB ever produced. Based on the Patreon numbers already, it seems many people agree.

Yikes. 2020 was such a cringe year but the true gamers stood strong

Giant Bomb died with Ryan

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>no way he can survive just rambling to himself for hours
he's the one person who actually might be able to

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I like Dan but I don't see him turning the ship around with charisma vacuums like Jan, Bakalar and Troon being on there.

Right in the feels, user.

Rest in peace, fat man.

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Lol no
Jeff had 9.9k for his announcement stream and giantbomb had 2.2k for their podcast.

Giantbomb literally won't last another year. They have 9 Staff members and can barely scrape 7k views per video

I split when they brought that retard Klepek on. What's going on now?

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It was obviously not an amicable split. Dude was fired in the middle kf the night and the zoomers jews and women swept him aside on his own podcast

Jeff had nearly 15k viewers in the first half of his stream.

I still want to Marry Kish

So did Jeff allude to any reason why he got pushed out

Well now I can remove this from my podcast feed.
Don't have to listen to that psycho pig Jess make the world's unfunniest libshit somethingawful jokes

based or cringe?

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>What's going on now?

Website was sold to a clickfarm company.

Regular salaried staff were cut and replaced with cheap temporary contract gigs. This led to the first exodus of the original GB a year ago (Brad, Vinny, Alex) who founded a site called Nextlander.

Jeff G stayed on as lead, but he's left now too for a solo show.

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Amazing every time she showed up on a livestream and mogged Abby and whatever troons were there

Literally only the worst beta troons left, and they added Tamoor. Guy literally sucks the air out of the room with his long-winded shit takes with his fucked up brown britbong accent.

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Go back.

he spent 90% of his time in meetings and they made Bakalar his boss.

Seems he wanted out for a while now because the business end of things is a nightmare at GB and it started affecting his family life.

Faggot e-celebs are not kino.

based cringe

My fellow kishposters, is this the thread?

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Good riddance

Poor Jason will have to actually get s job he can't fall asleep in the middle of

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He got nigger, troon and kike fatigue.

But you'll never hear him say that out loud.

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She's the definition of perfectly average. She's not supermodel-tier, but she's in no way unattractive either.

Jason is going to die the moment he loses his insurance.

There's about as much effort in that picture as he put into GB after Ryan died.

Troon being retarded about video games and having shit taste and then trying to bump up against Jeff who isa human video game encyclopedia was very weird and noticeable. I think that was one of the last podcasts he was on and had me thinking if he was going to leave soon.

>Jeff G and Jess's bickering about Metal Gear really felt like Jeff throwing his hands up and not caring any more about keeping the podcast in order.

Link or QRD?

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>They made Bakalar his boss
kek wonder how that happened

He was a higher up at CBS

>loses an eye, toe due to uncontrolled T1 diabeetus
Literally how hard is it not to be a fat piece of shit and control your sugars?

yeah, what?

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For Jason?

About as hard as staying awake during a live podcast which is your literal one and only job.

So very.