What game has the saddest death?

What game has the saddest death?

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Sergeant Johnson dying in Halo 3 was sad. He was a bro tier character.

dom in gears 3 only if you were the one who played as him in coop the entire trilogy

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that and dom losing his wife in gears 2. i was fucked up for the rest of the day watching that.

These posters can’t meme.


this poster will never be a woman

wish this was on pc

For me it's Sniper Wolf's death in the original MGS.
It's the only death in vidya that actually made me cry for some reason.

my shittier joystick brother

Kat and Jorge in halo reach

I bet it was more because of the wolves reaction rather than her actual monologue.


Amerimutt hours, amerimutt humor LMFAO

I'm just here to say,

Fuck jannies.

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>what did they do to Jenny?
Th darkness is a fucking dick for that one

No, it was actually the monologue.
It almost felt like I'm watching a little girl die there, I guess?

is the meme that it's so shitty on purpose it doesn't seem ironic

>crying over a video game
grow up

Gears is so weird to me. It seems like such a dumb, gung-ho series, then it has some sad scenes that hit surprisingly hard. They don't feel fitting for a series like this.

I know it's been memed to death, but for me it's Sayori.

I didn't really care, but I was rarely the one playing him.


MGS2 Spoilers:

Emma Emmerich made me very sad

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if you take away the stupidly muscular men and chainsaw gun, its a pretty down to earth series. first 2 games especially. yeah they have their over the top and goofy shit, but its not just FILLED with that kind of stuff like most people who havent played it seem to think


Good grief these kill me