Is there a reason to upgrade a PC pass a 1080 and a i7

Lets be real. unless you are playing at 4K 240 hz you dont need anything better than 5-6 year old equipment to max out performance. If you are playing at 4k 240 hz you are probably retarded because it is no different for you eyes that can only see 1080p from monitor distance at 60 hz.

Attached: FUooG7BVEAAa_aj.jpg (1920x1080, 479.35K)

>it's another ESL runs his ignorant mouth thread

No because the more modern shit is too expensive for the average person and so game devs don't bother making games for that level of power. When (if) chips come back down in price then it'll be different.

Also ironically means that an i7 and a 1080 is basically a games console and far better than the actual ones out just now lol.

Why is Linus like this?

Attached: linusbros.jpg (967x1393, 384.21K)

I have the gold-standard 7700k and a (stock clocked) 1080Ti and there are plenty of games that don't run perfectly on my 144hz 1440p monitor, even on customized medium settings.
It's holding up better than my 8800GTX was 6 years after it was released, but don't pretend like it's still crushing every new game on Ultra.

This fat shit looks even worse now?

>No because the more modern shit is too expensive for the average person

It's easy as hell to drop $1,500 bucks. Eating in Mcdonalds, Netflix or streaming bills, money in weeds, cigarettes or other drugs, Starbucks, travel to fucking Disneyland, etc adds up a lot. Most people don't want to sacrifice their recreation for get useful Apple laptops or other products

Fuck this fat cockroach. Repulsive looking creature.

specially with DLSS that give a decent chunk of extra frames
even a humble 2060 should last for at least 5 more years

how is this guy so fat, i dont understand how you reach this point and unironically say its sustainable.

I agree that anything above 1080p/60hz is for 'tards with more money than sense.

>If you are playing at 4k 240 hz you are probably retarded because it is no different for you eyes that can only see 1080p from monitor distance at 60 hz.
you are a retard


Attached: 20210130_60157511f401d.jpg (1000x523, 114.17K)

>HD/4k comparison in 1000x523 pixels

Attached: 1653082622288.gif (272x281, 1.99M)

I have a 4K display and that shit practically isn't noticeable unless you smear your face into TV.
Especially in older games that have decent AA (7 gen and earlier), integer scaled 1080p is legit as good as 4K.

i7 doesn't even mean anything you stupid fucking pajeet, what the fuck are u gonna play on a shitty i7 950?

OP says 5-6 year old hardware puts those i7s around the 7700 friend.

Attached: 35128065-happy-young-african-american-man-isolated-white-background.jpg (1300x1218, 130.91K)

>being a retard
not technologys fault

Next gen will probably begin next year.

This gay furry is the worst part of ltt.

As a 4k OLED 120Hz Rtx 3080 5950x user, bro just stop being a poorfag cope seethe incel get a better job and stop playing vidya altogether

What happened to the quality of linus' videos? Not saying they were masterpieces but they have become complete shit.

Yeah when next gen games come out you'll have to set everything to low

He gets so much fucking fatter, every thumbnail, holy shit.

Next gen only games are becoming more common. It's over for you guys

Dang you're right.

Attached: Fat bastard.jpg (1920x1080, 1.2M)

I built a system with an i7 6700k and 1070 driving a 2K, 144hz display right when the 1070 came out. Haven't felt any need to upgrade yet. Yeah, a slightly better GPU would be nice to max things out, but graphically demanding games that are actually worth playing are few and far between anyway.