How can you top this design?

how can you top this design?

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Remove the faggy feminine shit. Re-enable child-soldiers.

Attached: file.png (520x750, 400.17K)

By making him a slender blonde Twink

Attached: Raiden_MGS2.png (225x442, 73.09K)


Making the arm black.

he's missing his awesome bandana though

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By topping him

The arm is grey if you have the rocket arm

every night bareback

the only correct answer

It's kinda weird that Kojima claims the MGS series has an 'anti-war' message, when the entire franchise is nothing but army porn.

Lose the stupid horn.

Yeah... Lose the shorts!

Reminder that Venom is a meek and mild dull feeble piece of shit and was probably that way since he was born. Big Boss was right to enslave him.

Name one time that he wasn't meek, feeble, and mild. Protip YOU CAN'T

I love my men meek, mild, dull and feeble I guess. And by god is Venom sexy.

ponytail is gay

>I love being meek, mild, dull and feeble.
Faggot. Marry a gay and march around while you take HRT and become a tranny

Don't need to be any of those.

Being meek is a sign of being feminine. Be a Caesar, be like the actual Ahab from Moby Dick that is full of ego, not the cheep mild, unegoistic, and dull imitation that is Venom Snake, who lacks a sense of ego unlike Ahab.

I'll say this once again.
>Name one time that he wasn't meek, feeble, and mild.
Protip: you can not. Big Boss has a better personality than Venom Snake in every single way.

>The nuclear disarmament scene
Not canon.
>the end of Shining Lights
"Plant your roots in me" ruined it. No one who isn't feminine would ever say this. The speech had the potential to come out strong but instead it's just awkward with shit like this.

Didn't read. Going to bed. Good night.

there's way too much shit going on on his face