I still don't understand what his motivation was. Can anyone explain it?

I still don't understand what his motivation was. Can anyone explain it?

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Caesar's Legion was bringing peace to the wasteland, but it was done in the most brutal ways.

He wanted to kill all women and make society a perfect gay utopia of hot gay white men.

He's a hero. And a daddy.

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He wanted to make Rome great again.

>slavery and being nothing more than an object for the government is peace

>wants to make Rome great again
>his vision is nothing of what Rome was like
perfect analogy lol

1. realize NCR is bloated corrupt garbage that has outlived its usefulness
2. band together enough tribals to be a threat
3. instill them with very antiquated yet brutal values
4. slam tribals against NCR
5. whatever survives will form a new, better society that actually functions
6. ???
7. die to brain tumor because your genes are ironically shit (and also lose to a mailman and his surrogate computer dad)

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Imagine a modern young incel who's an edgelord and thinks he's the smartest guy on the planet, but instead of reading Atlas Shrugged or Mein Kampf he read Roman history books.

>be violent tribe nation that kills all other violent tribe nations and lets peaceful people be safe under their rule for some taxes (this makes sense)
>hurr durr i guess maybe after we beat up the ncr we'll stop being murderers and become more peaceful or something??? (this doesn't make sense)

I don't think he wanted that at all.

New vegas is a tranny game

The question marks should be between 4 and 5.

Raiders killed his dad.

He argued that under the NCR America would degenerate into the same thing that led the world into what it became. Ironically enough, House and him aren't that different, at least in that regard. House literally says something along the lines of, "if you want to look at the result of democracies, look out the window".

Sharia laws in the wasteland, basically.
The Legion gets too much hate and so little attention from the fan and devs, they are a cool faction desu

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How can you not understand it? He wanted to form a new civilization that could conquer the post war US and lead it into a new era. Basically he tried to unfify people under one rule, just like the US today, but under a new way of living that would not only be more fitting for current circumstances but also surpass the liberal western democracy that created the war in the first place.

If his path is the correct one is a completely different question, but I don't understand how it's by any means difficult to comprehend what he was trying to do.

You aren't smart enough to understand gigabrain dialectics.

Caesar wanted to take Hoover Dam to turn his Legion into an actual full fledged empire. He believes the reason why it hasn't happened yet is because the Legion to that point has never had a serious enemy to defeat or oppose and that by beating the NCR it will transform the Legion

“They make a desert and call it peace”
Yeah, that's the point

Post apocalypse bad.
Tyrannical facism more efficient than old muttland emulation in reforming society.
More brutality = less raider fuckery/easier conversion for other tribes
The whole thing is striving to be a platform for shit to actually resume, whereas the ncr can be seen as starting prematurely.

>that by beating the NCR it will transform the Legion
That's one thing I think a lot of people misunderstood. If the Legion expanded all the way to the Pacific and completely took over the NCR, it would evolve and change. They wouldn't be a roaming band of raping nomadic tribals, but they also wouldn't be the hedonistic, corrupt society with no principles like the NCR. They would be something else. Whether or not that transition happens or results in something that's "better" than one or the other can't really be predicted though.