Dumb Faggot

Why is this dumb faggot is the most popular gaming channel on youtube?

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little children and pajeets who beg for money
i'm upset too, he used to be cringekino back when he made fun of kids uploading on youtube but he became a pussy and privated all his worst intros videos

Breaking news, OP continues to suck dicks for 163742 days continuously

Mr.Beast fan

I'd like to beat him to death with a shoehorn, fucking viewbot buying faggot with his dead eyed grin. You know I'd be doing him a favor, there's no light behind those eyes. This faggot when on Rogan for fucks sake.

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makes millions and gives it away so everyone sucks his dick on the off chance he gives them something
it happened to LA Beast when he started streaming on YT, people started sending
>good morning sirs gib monies my whole family are in need we live in very poor country
messages in his chat because they saw how much he made

He has the most soulless smile and dead eyes I've ever seen

MrBeast gave 6x6x6 = 216 chocolate bars to a youtuber
he's literally called Mr BEAST
you can see it from a mile away

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Only on Any Forums where you’ll find people genuinely shitting on some random guy who prospered off the YouTube algorithm and gives away millions of dollars for no reason other than his own selfish need to make other people happy.

If he did that, it's because people like you would react this way and retards would think that's cool and watch his videos.


Why are you posting about YouTubers on the video game board?

kill yourself you need to go back

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Is he going to inflate his fans into giant blueberries?

>Some nobody goes to Hollywood
>Works as a waiter for 4-5 years
>Less then 1% get chosen to become famous.
How is this any different then
>Some rando uploads videos
>Works at Amazon Warehouse for 4-5 years
>Less than 1% get chosen to become famous.
Youtube is just Hollywood without moving to Hollywood. Mr.Beast is a untalented hack but he's the top 1% and it's just luck.

There's something about his face that makes me irrationality angry

>Only on Any Forums where you’ll find people genuinely shitting on some random guy who prospered off the YouTube algorithm and gives away millions of dollars for no reason other than his own selfish need to make other people happy.
there's the reason. Everyone wants to be his friend because he's full of money and randomly gives it away.

New soijak

He literally sold his soul. The name isn't a coincidence.
Remake this tthread on /x/

I genuinely don't understand what made him so popular. He's not particularly funny nor attractive. Am I missing something?

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Its the eceleb board

Normalfags aren't human

that guy is such an insincere piece of shit

You have to admit it is an amazing story. It was so ridiculous. I’d see him like 6 years ago doing livestreams where he would count from 1 to 100000 or read through every word in the dictionary. It was so stupid but it worked somehow. He actually played the algorithm and became giant. Kinda like those hot vs cold videos too back then. A lot of people get millions of views famous but didnt sustain it to get billions of views like this guy. I remember when that “this game didn’t die, it was murdered” guy went viral too leading to everybody making video game essay channels.

Why are you all so angry?
This has nothing to do with video games.
He doesn't affect you either.
If he made it to trending in video games it's obviously a mistake.

I click "don't recommend this channel" but he still shows up. Also, is Sniperwolf paying Google to promote her? If you open an incognito window and look at a fresh YT homepage, she is ALWAYS there. Literally always. I barely know who she is, and I never hear anybody talk about her.

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I don't get the hated for him. I understand but liking him or not liking his content, but how can anyone honestly hate him?

Because realizing that in the OP is the image of success in our current society is depressing as hell and far more potent of a doomsday image than any other.

It's the insane videos he does nobody else does on the site.

Giving away cars
Gambling houses
Robbing a bank
Escaping trained military
Making a million dollar show.

No shit he's not funny or attractive, it's the content.

He didn't START by doing this though.

i think thats one of the main reasons why people generally hate him. he literally made his fortune doing the dumbest shit that anyone could have done.
i dont even follow him or watch his stuff.

Yeah he sorta did by counting to like a million or something in one video then he just went from there.
People just like seeing the crazy shit he does.
It's not rocket science.

>t. wageslave