does this guy have any other jokes?

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Literally who

>Nintendo good!
>Every other company bad!
80% of this dudes videos

>dude I literally watch the worst type of entertainment devised by man and it all sucks LOL I'm so depressed
Does this faggot have any more jokes?

You only have yourself to blame for watching his shit.

I think it's linus tech tips

Thanks for reminding me to subscribe to him on my new youtube channel

Some zoomer faggot who lives rent free in Any Forums's head.

His life
I also have no clue who this fag is

No. That's his only joke. And his normie audience eats it up. It serves as a buffer shield for when they have to reconcile the fact that they took over a nerd hobby. It makes them feel vindicated by pretending they're "virgins lol xD" so they don't feel bad about consooming crap. Scott is probably the least self confident YTber, he probably hates himself and uses this cheap shit self deprecating comedy as a coping mechanism.

Kill yourself you and your eceleb nigger thread

you're welcome :o)

*zoomer jew faggot

he doesnt need to
making fun of virgins and enjoying nintendo games are the two most based things one can dedicated themselves to

I actually like his content

Vinny? Vinny Vinesauce?

He's really funny he has a ton of jokes that isn't just virgin mostly self deprecating stuff.
Stuff with Gex, the wiiu, owning tons of the same game etc.
Plus he reference past episodes but does it so non chalantly you might miss it.people make compilations of these since its hard to tell.
I also love his skits.

This, who the fuck is this faggot and what does he have to do with video games?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think this might be Scott the Woz. His videos pop up in my recommendations sometimes, but I'm not sure since he just looks like a generic nerd stereotype.

female hands typed this post

zoomers grew up with him as a substitute friend so they shill him.

Scott the poz

that's clearly PeanutButterGamer, moron

Based binyot shitting on snoys and ignoring their shit movie games.

That's not Arin from Game Grumps

spiderman kid

Shit he wishes.