
which Simcity game is the best game to start with?

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SimTown is the best place to start

Cities Skyline is by far the best Sim City. Just download a torrent with all the hundred DLCs.

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i mean like which game of the simcity series


SimCity 3000 was my favorite, but 2000 has arcologies.

3000 seems cool i don't mind the 2D graphics at all

3000 is the best to start with. 4 is a better game but requires mods to un-fuck the bugs and poor traffic AI

Capitalism Lab with the DLC that turns it into Sim City.

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I want to buy it so I can use mods. completely addicted to it.

Yeah 3K was my favorite too.

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3000 was my absolute favorite. Probably that.

unironically Cities Skylines
Humble Bundle has a deal right now - base game plus like 30 DLCs for $20.

Has there ever been a city builder with a better soundtrack?

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Simcity 1 is very simple in both mechanics and visuals, to the point of being braindead. I don't recommend the game unless someone is nostalgic for the old days.
Simcity 2000 is a good advance in the visual part, you can already create cities that really look like cities, but the simulation is almost zero.
The only two real options are Simcity 3000 and Simcity 4.

My only issue with 4 is it can be a bit crash heavy. Luckily with modern launchers that add autosaving and various fixes this is less of an issue.


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OP here think im gonna try 3000

Nice. 3000 doesn't require any mods, once you have the game you are good to go. You might want to turn off disasters because I find them a bit too harsh in the unlimited edition, especially the acid rain ridiculous. If you have the steam or gog version there are some songs of the soundtrack that have been disabled for some reason. You can easily google how to add all the music to the game. 3000 strikes a nice balance between casual city building and the more simulation style of simcity 4. 4 is good too but it requires a bit more work from the player.

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ok thanks for the info

Resolution should work fine, I think the game supports most. I usually focus on making towns that look somewhat realistic, you can find some tricks on old forums on how to make tunnels more effeciently. Tunnels and bridges are a bit finicky in SC3K. I suggest to make the map mostly flat before you start to make for an easier game, also start near the edge so you don't have to pay for long roads right at the start. Oh and farms need to be at least 8*8 light industry without water access to grow. After that you can make all the squares historical (meaning that they won't change after that) then you can give the zone access to water.

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