Here's the big truthpill

Here's the big truthpill.

Running rifts is fun as fuck, even if you don't spend a single cent.

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Here's the big truthpill. You can play the same fucking game with more features without a shop.
It's called Diablo 3. Now kill yourself.

yup. and the combat is really fun. way better than diablo 3. the attacks here have weight to them. im polaying as a monk. it's so fun punching guys. it makes enemies fly off the screen

A) Dead game.
B) Can't play in my phone on my bed.
C) Didn't ask.

Here's the big truthpill;
Fuck off Blizzard, I know you already made your money back twice over just off whales, now stop advertising this shit.

D3 niggers got tricked into playing gotcha they truly are the dumbest gamers alive

Here's the big truthpill.

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>A) Dead game.
It's not an MMO you stupid fucking faggot.
>B) Can't play in my phone on my bed.
If you play games like that you should kill yourself, you don't belong here.
>C) Didn't ask.
Aww, bitchmade twitter toddler afraid that people might not agree with him?

Here's a big obviouspill for you, baiting faggot.
Supporting anything Blizzard even without paying for it is supporting the practices that are corrupting this already shit infested industry. Choke on cum, asshole.

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Announcing either is against the rules.

Did you just sage your own thread because you got bodied lol

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Don't care, having fun. Seethe.

It's not free

So does the game have ethnicity choices or did they really make the Crusader black in America and white in China and other places? Can I play as the white female Crusader I saw screenshots of?

"Truthpill" fuck off blizz. Go do some union busting


Neither are these f2p games you enjoy unless you invest a couple of hours at most in them.

>Here's the big bluepill

people of zakarum were always black, chinks just can't handle nubian queens

Even if you play the game you're enabling these slimy fucks, you're also a cuck for whales. Also, the PC version has chink screen recording malware that runs in the background.