How big is the difference in power between a char with with 5/5 star gems vs one with 2/2 ones exactly?

How big is the difference in power between a char with with 5/5 star gems vs one with 2/2 ones exactly?

Everywhere people whine about how much money people can theoretically spend, but how big is the difference? Does anybody even know? Because from the looks of it an additional gem rank only gives you like 12 attack power, which is really negligible.

Not saying the game isn't shit, it is, but I feel like as always Redditors are blowing this out of proportion. You can spend 100k+ in TONS of games, this is not the first time this happens.

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Behind all the stats and attributes, combat rating is literally all that matters. The game just compares your CR to the enemies and if yours is less, you get one-shot and deal no damage. Other stats do not make a significant difference. Endgame content just ramps up CR, and after a certain point somebody playing with only 2 star gems will reach a cap and be unable to make progress (not to mention the grind required to max out those gems in the first place)

here's a decent video showing off a f2p nerd against a spender

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Okay, this is bad. lmao

Huge. Gap will only widen further with time

gets worse with resonance and awakening armors lol

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Better mortgage your house if you want to compete with the big boys.

>7000 bucks payed
>still no 5 Star Gem

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>playing modern Blizzard games
>whaling for modern Blizzard games
utterly disgusting

>Advertises the game to tens of thousands of people.
>Already spend as much as 100 full price copies of a normal game.

He's really BTFOing Blizzard.

quin is unironically the biggest fucking bozo retard there is on twitch
Ive been watching him for a long time, but since Immortal watching him is just pain.
Him constantly talking shit about p2w mechanics and then procceding to spend 7k on a fucking dogshit mobile game while going to PvP and laughing his ass off how bad his opponents are (the ones who get oneshottet by him because they didnt spend money)
while telling chat what he is doing is ethical because someone else would do the same as him and as a streamer his showing people that you shouldnt spend as much money.

I hate that clown so much.

I was watching him a bit and he was contemplating the fact that he could've bought 15 Elden Rings (a game he likes) for the amount of money he had spent on Immortal by that point. I think he realises how stupid the P2W is, but he is also a millionaire so that's really peanuts money for him.

he spent 7k because he will easily get x3 that amount with whatever amount of subscribers he gets daily. He might be a retard but anyone who pays twitch streamers is the scum of the earth

He's clearly enjoying the game and enjoying whaling in it. Him pretending that he's doing people a service is disingenuous as fuck.

game is trash
shit thread .

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this return of investment as a streamer on these whale traps are insanely profitable every $1000 he spends he makes it back tenfold with donos and subs cheering him on to spend more, crazy clown world we live in

>blizzard didn't give russian their own containment zone
>they shit up every single eu server
holy fuck I hate these fucking rats so much.

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>this is so stupid I'm going to give them SO MUCH money just to prove a point and show you guys
enough e-celebs have said this that the game is probably a huge financial success by now kek

twitch is absolutely insane for me and probably proof that I've gotten way too old, I just can't understand giving money to these fucking apes who would probably be begging for spare dollars outside the train station in a slightly more sane world. To me it's just adding another layer of passivity in an already insanely passive world, probably a more damaging thing than social networks

No he doesnt get that much money lol
He himself said that if he liquidify every asset he has, it would be around 1 million USD
He spend 7k in 2 days, thats 4.5k per day.
Which would be 135.000USD a month, which in return is 1.62million in a year
Do you think someone who bought multiple properties, has 2 houses (they are not worth that much because he lives in bumfuck zealand in wanganui in the middle of nowhere) has less total assets than he earns in a year?
Quin has no sponsors, he is a brandrisk, before last month or something he didnt even had an AD contract with twitch.
Quin is making much less money than you guys think, hes also a retard that in hugely in debt because he "forgot" to pay taxes for multiple years.

Attached: quinshobbithole.jpg (2836x1872, 755.99K)

he has like what, 5k subscribers? how much money is that after twitch cut and taxes, 5-7k a month? And he's been streaming with that amount of subs for how long, 5-6 years? I dont think 7k dollars is that much of an effort for him, particularly considering he will get some return in subs throwing money at him while calling him a retard

write the word " зaхвaтничecкaя " and talk about the ukraine war with ten and hope some russian police or something else will see it so they get thrown into jail or even better get waterboarded

>Which would be 135.000USD a month
is he gonna spend that much every day though? seems like a weird argument.

yeah he has like 6k subs right now, but around 500-1000 of them are usually what he gift himself because he makes dumb bets like "IF I FAIL RIGHT NOW LIKE A BOZO I WILL GIFT 500 SUBS"
he literally spend a months worth of income in a game he hates himself, he is just lucky that abby (his wife) hasnt noticed it yet. Instability01 (his mod and actual financial advicer, no meme) already told him multiple times that he cant spend more money on it but like the bozo he has, he wont listen to anyone.

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no, but it just shows that he clearly is losing money overall, I would guess that his monthy income is around 10k minus taxes. His wife will be livid once she realizes it especially shes been nagging him constantly to buy her a new car (which he said they dont have the money for lol)

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Is he your brother or something? Why do you know so much about this random jew?

one of his mod teams
If I woudnt get paid by that retard from time to time, I would have left that bozo a long time ago

sure you would have blueknight
you did it for free

how much do you get?

he doesnt pay for being a mod, he pays if we do things like handling TTSLABS or making new overlays etc. which is why I is said he pays from time to time.

What's his combat rating with this much spent?

Im gonna send this information to quin and let him know he has a problematic nazi on his team. IT's over for you chud.

Wait there's pvp in this game? And p2w makes a difference? Who approved this shit and who would enjoy it lmao.

PVP is literally the endgame

not much lol, he gave me like a total of 500 bucks or more for setting up his TTSlabs and organizing the different voices that were made (like zana, einhar and now stanley)
for other things like overlays or new channel point redemptions he gives me like 100-300 bucks depending on how much time I invest.
Also if anyones wondering if hes just pretending onstream, no he isnt, he talks the same to his mods offstream.
We had a keto discussion half a year ago where he screamed at instability on top of his lungs, he is a true autistic hobbit.

p2w always makes a difference, that's why it's called p2w. Even without pvp it still cheating to get ahead of everyone