This game is hard as a fucking cock

This game is hard as a fucking cock
And fun as a having sex with the same cock

The designers of this thing where on crack to make this horrible but at the same time fun game?

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It was fun for a while, but it rely on to much RNG for my liking, still love it for the Plague doc
I prefer xcom tho

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It's one of those retarded games which almost requires that you already know how to play it/have knowledge of end-game mechanics, before you start playing.

Also insane RNG.

I finished it years ago, but couldn't really recommend it to anyone.

you just described lobotomy corporation as well

Why was Darkest Dungeon 2 so quickly forgotten? Is it still stuck on Epic store?

>play for half an hour
>realize there's very little features in the game that you can actually control especially when RNG can completely flip your shit around in a single second
>stop playing

I find this game unbearably boring without mods.

you didnt play long enough to realize youre full of shit

Love this game. Always funny to see how spoiled the avg gaymer is (thanks to ubishit and other AAA devs).
It's still in EA. Gonna release on Steam in Feb I think.

>first champ long dungeon
>all level 6 heroes
>shit im gonna lose

you love to see it

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its fun clearing three dungeons a day, if you try to marathon this game then you'll go through pain.

>make "hard" game
>some classes are a joke, others are powerful
>nerf powerful classes
>people find ways to make less powerful classes situationally good
>nerf those strats
>people find other ways
>nerf again
>release broken DLC character
>nerf after people buy it
>never make the dogshit classes good, only nerf any strat that pops up

While some classes are more powerful than others, there's not a single "dogshit" class in the game.
I do agree about devs being retarded when it comes to balancing.

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You should literally never lose heroes if you have more than 2 brain cells

Leper is a joke, no matter what cope you come up with. He's just strictly worse than everything else and has no niche.

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Wrong. Play the actual game instead of going by memes or something. Leper is perfectly fine and his niche is being a frontline dmg dealer + hp/stress tank. His self heal alone is super fucking good. Just get him ACC trinkets and he's good to go.

why do that when i can bring flag

I like the musketeer. I use her over the occultist

Never had issues with leper, its one of those characters that are very useful for long rounds, such as bosses (unless you're fighting the shambler, then you pull in bounty hunter, houndmaster, cultist and Highwayman team)

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Flag is all bleed and does barely any raw dmg.
Besides, you/the other guy said "dogshit" classes, not OP classes like flag or hellion. Leper is weaker than both of those but he's def not dogshit. If you think he is, you either don't play the game or don't know how to play it.

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It really doesn't outside of Stygian/Bloodmoon since there's no real loss condition, just the potential to waste a fuckton of invested time (not that the game respects your time to begin with). That or leaving Crimson Court on for your first playthrough, though the devs at least had the foresight to warn you not to activate that shit if you don't know what you're doing.
There's almost no situation where bringing a Leper is better than any other frontline class. Backline is where all of the most threatening shit is and he has no way to properly attack it, whereas most other frontliners can at least strike rank 3. He has almost no utility or synergy with other classes outside of meme strats like stacking Vapors buffs. His one niche is the fact that by himself or with another Leper bro, he actually has a decent chance of (slowly) clearing most content.
I love everything about him design and personality-wise so I used him anyway, but I'm not gonna deny he's probably the worst class in the game.

nta but a common mistake is that people build teams where the leper has to do all the damage, just put a houndmaster, highwayman or bounty hunter to fix the backlines problem.

You're correct and I agree with
>he's probably the worst class in the game.
but that doesn't make him "dogshit" like the other dudes were saying.
>There's almost no situation where bringing a Leper is better than any other frontline class
Leper is great in the cove when the fucking groupers are often more dangerous than shamans. He's got great raw dmg, all you need are ACC trinkets.