This is just an SNES controller with two extra shoulder buttons...

This is just an SNES controller with two extra shoulder buttons. How did Sony design a 3D game console without including an analog stick on their controller?

Attached: PSX controller.jpg (1200x1044, 63.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Playstation on release
>a 3D game console

The first game made for it was Ridge Racer.

>that muffin top

Very very disgraceful. Please delete this image

Attached: 1647540570413.jpg (720x684, 22.24K)


thank you

you're welcome

I don't know. N64's gamepad design wasn't exactly getting a lot of compliments.
But did you know that you can use PS2 controllers with the PS1? A useless factoid for you, enjoy.

>This is just an SNES controller with two extra shoulder buttons
that's the point
> How did Sony design a 3D game console without including an analog stick on their controller?
cause it wasn't obvious how to make a half-decent controller for 3d at the time (especially cause sticks are not ideal for 3d either)

>sticks not ideal
what the fuck is

didn't crash have a fixed camera? it just werks.

And the NeGcon came out a month later. Even if you could play RR on the dualshock, why would you want to?

a gyroscope,trackball or mouse for aiming.
for movement,a stick is perfectly good if that's what you mean,i probably should have clarified.

The first home console controller with an analog stick was the XE-1 AP for the Sega Mega Drive from 1989. The nes max was a simple two axis slider, like the ones you find in old tape recorders (the volume sliders), so no nintodlers, no first analog controller for you fuckers. Tendies claim the first iteration of the XE-1 didn't have an analog stick until the n64 came out, but those are tendie lies as always, they present no proof of such bold claims whatsoever. Dirty little peasants.

Attached: XE1AP.jpg (549x633, 156.35K)

Nobody cared back in 1989 and nobody cares in 2022.

>itt Zoomers marvel at when consoles were unique machines and not merely glorified walled garden PCs
The real pants on head retarded decision is why did Sega hamper the Dreamcast with only one analog stick AFTER seeing Sony's move to a two analog controller.

Attached: 1652324174931.png (960x720, 1.11M)

Because they were just reusing the prototypes they had for the Saturn 3D pad, and they spent the rest of the time on the VMU gimmick. What's funny is Sony then mogged the shit out of them with pocketstation, which makes you wonder why they even bothered with the gimmick.

>for movement,a stick is perfectly good if that's what you mean,i probably should have clarified.
Especially because needing to aim and the game being 3D have nothing to do with each other you fucking fool

>just reusing the Saturn 3D Pad
That doesn't explain why they decided to make the handles worse or why they decided to axe two fucking buttons (four face buttons and two triggers vs. the Saturn's six face buttons and two triggers). Having that few buttons was suicide for the 3D era. (I know there were six button controllers for DC but as I recall they were all third party shit and they were really just for fighting games.)

moving a camera is integral to most 3D games,and using something better than a joystick will always be better for that.

Imagine being so upset about an N64 thread where you learned that Nintendo didn't actual pioneer anything that you felt the need to make this thread.