Bruh I fucking hate Caelid

Bruh I fucking hate Caelid

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Shut yo goofy ass up bruh Caelid is great

The shock and confusion of getting here the first time was fucking great.

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youre not allowed to dislike any part of the game, you trannytouristfilteredzoomerredditor

yeah bruh fr fr no cap caelid straight bussin on these fools

Caelid is the first area in any Souls game that actually makes me feel uneasy being there, like gives an actual horror vibe. And I would appreciate the hell out of it if I didn't hate the fuck out of the game.

A friend of mine found the caelid brazil chest and quit the game entirely because of that cave. I still can't get him to try it again, even restarting. Fromsoft truly broke him

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Liurnia is a lot worse

Elden Ring Area Tier list

A tier: Limgrave, Altus Plateau
B Tier: Farum Azula, Mount Gelmir, Caelid, Haligtree
C Tier: All underground areas, mountaintop of giants
D Tier: Liurnia, Consecrated snowfield

caelid is good
the only part of the game that is unironically shit are the copy paste dungeons (and maybe limgrave). There really aren't any "bad" areas

there is no area that is fucked up like blight town or lost izalith

>waste a large portion of the map
>no interesting dungeons
>no interesting bosses
>the only site of attraction on the left portion is a Mausoleum
This is the worst area in the game.

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It's actually a really forgettable area so I'm inclined to agree with you.

what the FUCK did they mean by this
also i completely skipped it by accident my first play through until i was already well into caelid and had the river area done, and really all i missed out on were two Sacred Tears

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theres actually 3 sacred tears down there, you definitely wanna hit up all those if you make a new character. everything else can be skipped

fr fr no cap shit be not bussin straight up !!

>A Runebear with a health bar slapped on
>A Misbegotten with a health bar slapped on
>A Miranda Flower with a health bar slapped on
>yet another Watchdog
What an absolutely fantastic and iconic area

Just wait till you get to the second Caelid where they just color swap things and copy/paste the same enemies around.

Even when you finish Caelid, you won’t be finished wit Caelid.

>No legacy dungeon

Liurnia is oversized, but it still has a lot going on.

S Tier: Limgrave
A Tier: Altus, Farum Azula, Liurnia
B Tier: Gelmir, Haligtree, Underground
C Tier: Caelid
D Tier: All snow areas

the most eery thing you can encounter are the rot zombies that waddle towards you at the very beginning of the area. They reminded me of those nuked japs from that one anime, who just walked the streets of the burned out city

I hate that it rains 24/7. Something about the rain in this game just completely ruins an atmosphere. It even fucking rains in Caelid. The least they could’ve done is make it some sort of reddish blood rain or acidic type rain or just make Caelid and the upper Dragombarrow area devoid of rain. Weeping Peninsula would be fine otherwise for me.

I think It's a nice chill area for people who wanna get away from the chaos of the rest of the world plus having a easymode area on the complete opposite side of the map from the hardmode (snow fields) pleases my design autism