Holy fuck this is awful

holy fuck this is awful

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Yeah it's pretty terrible.

It killed the X-franchise. Of course it's awful.


Can you hear me? Zero?

people get mad at x6 hostages dying but x7 hostages are complete fucking horseshit
also, boarski's stage hurts my soul

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what did you expect

Still better than X4 and X5 though

explain yourself in detail

Yeah it is awful
Musics though

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah

I stomached till the end, but didn't finish it
all i remember is beating the guy on the shitty platforms fight and i think sugma comes after that or something stupid

The movement is so damn slow in this game

What's wrong with it, I swear the Internet shits on it and says it's an "Objectively Bad Game" but I liked this game! It was cool!
JK This game sucked ass! :3

This was my first Megaman game. It taught me that life is nothing but people praising mindless suffering. I became a God of gaming after having no memory card allowed, and only this game for 1 year. What you believe is "good", or "hard" is simply a byproduct of you being a pussy who played Banjoo Kazooie or whatever the fuck. I learned to like the pain. Now, I play DOOM ETERNAL and wish for harder modes.

>main character has to be unlocked

Yeah. I got it from a store for free and I still wanted to return it.

never played it. whats the issue? the music is fantastic

>almost traded it for my super smash melee

i thank my friend who stopped me.

Just when you thought 6 was bad, they go ahead and give you 7.

They really should have ended at 5 like it was supposed to.
