Did Elden Ring make you appreciate Dark Souls 3's linearity?

Did Elden Ring make you appreciate Dark Souls 3's linearity?

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No. What I value most in Souls games is the exploration and the ability to fuck around with alternate paths on subsequent playthroughs.

Every single fucking time you have to go through all the shittiest areas of DS3 to finish the game. I hate it.

yes, but demon's souls still has the best structure.

Elden ring made me wish I playing dark souls 2. The open world was cool for a single play through, but a chore afterwards

Nah, it's still fun. The chore is levelling up so that you're not totally gimped fighting bosses. Maybe I'll just have to git gud, but when you end up rushing through the game you have a very low level.

>Elden ring made me wish I playing dark souls 2.

Yes. I very much think ds3 is the only one that is genuinely mainstream. Elden ring is catering to the open world crafting fad

No, I hate it even more now

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No, dark souls 3 is embarrassingly bad garbage and everyone knows it. "hee hee press circle to be invincible wow so fun so epic", the combat sucks dick and the game is a linear slogfest.

no because souls games are better the less linear they are.

the opposite, Elden Ring obseletes DS3 in every conceivable way, 3 is such a lazy cashgrab it's hard to even believe the two titles came out on the same hardware

It makes me appreciate DSII's dual wielding every single time I play it, and it makes me appreciate Champion's Ashes for Dark Souls III because of more weapon variety.

The worst part is that it's the obvious best choice because you don't sacrifice anything to get good rolls. What were they thinking, increasing the midroll capacity to 70% and making it faster? DaS2 was just weird, because you could fatroll up to 119.9%, so you could justify that they tuned things up because they expected people to use more stuff, and since iframes were tied to a stat and roll length was a gradient, breakpoints didn't matter as much. But then in DaS3, they both made equipment load its own stat, and made midroll just as fast as a fast roll only with less i-frames, on top of keeping it at 70% equip load to use it. How are you supposed to justify stripping down to fast roll if midroll is just as easy to recover from and its a skill issue if you get hit while dodging anyway? How are you supposed to justify fatroll when midroll is so easy to achieve and armor doesn't give you enough toughness to justify wearing the biggest pieces? Why have multiple weapons equipped when people will just hardswap?

The casualization of midroll was the worst part of DaS3 and it will plague all their RPGs going forward.

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Based Useless Cultist

Yes, weapon reinforcement based matchmaking goes completely to shit the second players start going down branching paths. In 3 you at least could get a feel where players would be and what level/weapon level they would have in an area. It's all over the fucking place in Elden Ring. A couple years from now finding other players outside the "meta" level is going to be a pain in the ass.

This guy plays video games. I do love DSIII, but these right here:
> How are you supposed to justify stripping down to fast roll if midroll is just as easy to recover from and its a skill issue if you get hit while dodging anyway? How are you supposed to justify fatroll when midroll is so easy to achieve and armor doesn't give you enough toughness to justify wearing the biggest pieces? Why have multiple weapons equipped when people will just hardswap?
Are things From still have not solved in Elden Ring. Six equip slots total, three for each hand, but why the fuck would anyone do that?
user you go to the map and press L1/LB to see where players are at.

No elden ring just reinforced my belief they aren’t making games for their original fan base anymore

Btw Champion's Ashes solves these problems. I will shill for this mod forever.

No, however everyone in this thread that shits on III is a faggot. I did a playthrough of III before Elden Ring, its worst moment farron keep and that's simply because it's a forest full of fuck you shit in poison (I.E Lake of Rot).

Like Elden Ring, every complaint is unironically souls burnout. You faggots are sick of souls. You've played too much souls. typical shit that every other game suffers from sticks out because the concept of a souls game has become so boring to you.

>every complaint is unironically souls burnout
lol no. I'm playing Bloodborne for the first time concurrently and I wish Elden Ring had just been another game that was wide linear instead of open world. The open world is beautiful, but it is not interesting enough between the big dungeons. Bloodborne, lacking an open world, is one straight high of dungeon to dungeon with varied enemies and satisfying combat. Ditto for Sekiro.

Dark Souls III is good too but it should have kept Bloodborne's quickstep and Dark Souls 1 style poise to better differentiate the weight classes.

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Good for you retard, I did a playthrough after ER and hated the game just as much as I did the first time. It sucks ass and it never gets better.

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No. I hate it even more now.

The only souls game people play before the 'Souls burnout' you're talking about which plagued DaS3 and ER is Dark Souls 1, nobody plays DeS, DaS2 or Bloodborne because they are inaccessible as fuck, complete garbage gameplay or complete garbage console, so can they be tired of souls when they barely played any?

I had no issue with Dark Souls 3 linearity, even though the game had been designed to be more connected, it would have probably still been a more linear experience than Elden Ring and Dark Souls
I remain of the opinion that Souls-likes are far better with Archstone type Demon's Souls teleport as level selector, with more resources and developer time better used in designing complex and intricate level design without compromising a sense of scale of the overall world. They could easily ground all levels in a world as big as they want. From's push for "epic interconnected worlds" was an absolute disgrace.
Talking about appreciating Dark Souls 3, I think Dark Souls 3 is a better game, and would make Elden Ring pointless if From retroactively added jump and guard counter.

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uh, no.
3 stills sucks big donkey balls.