Best starting class for someone who hasn't played Mass Effect before?

Best starting class for someone who hasn't played Mass Effect before?

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They're all fine. Vanguard is probably the hardest because you will bait yourself into bad situations if you're a brainlet. Just make sure you go the harem route.

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Soldier is canon and Shepard is gay.

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Soldier's the most basic, though if you're halfway competent at vidya you can master any class easy enough. You can change them from game-to-game as well.

Soldier across all games is solid but boring. Vanguard in 2 & 3 is a little more exciting.
Adept is kind of okay if you want to be a space mage but you still end up shootan everything.

Adept will make you break ME1 and then it will break YOU in ME2
Soldier gives you access to all weapons in ME2 but it's very boring outside of its time slowing ability
Infiltrator is the most fun but also makes the game too easy
Sentinel makes it harder for you to die than live by ME2
Vanguard is for fun but it's also for retards, also half of the crates in ME1 will be locked for you

Which leaves Engineer

It actually does not matter. That said, Vanguard


soldier is mind numbingly boring in all games, play anything else.

Somethng doesn't seem right about the picture.
Anyhow, I played all of the classes a lot in ME3 MP.
I always go for Soldier as male Shepard is a soldier and always will be in my eyes.

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Kys tranny


i really wanted to like femshep but jennifer hale's voice acting playing a renegade is pretty terrible.


>Adept is kind of okay if you want to be a space mage but you still end up shootan everything
The throwing abilities can absolutely wreck everything you build them right.

ME1 - Engineer because pistols are OP and you get to hack open all the locked shit
ME2 - Sentinel, the sniper or whatever it's called, because sniping is OP and you get access to the best ammo types
ME3 - Vanguard I think it's called, the biotic one where you charge in and destroy shit, it's OP and fun

Sentinel is the most fun class for all three LE games since they did away with weapon restrictions in 1.

This. I loved just shitting abilites left and right late game. Shame that ME 2 and 3 had the universal cooldown mechanic


Soldier is the most balanced across the series, vanguard is lame in 1 but becomes great in me2-3. Actually on that note pretty much all classes are great in me3.

Sentinel and Vanguard are great choices.

I never played Infiltrator is it fun to sniper in this?